
How to Clean Up Your Home’s Exterior

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If your home’s exterior isn’t exactly looking its best, you should try not to worry because it is not actually a major operation to get it looking like the pretty, clean and attractive facia that your home deserves, as you will see below…

  1. Pressure Washing: Unleash the Power

If your home’s exterior had a best friend, it would be the pressure washer. Good pressure washing equipment can blast away years of dirt, mold, and mildew faster than you can say “Wow, I didn’t know that was the original color!” Tackle your siding, deck, sidewalks, and driveway. It’s like giving your house a bath, but with more horsepower and less rubber duckies. Just remember to use the right settings because too much power can lead your wood siding to splinter off in a mid-life crisis.

  1. Gutter Clean-Up: A Treasure Trove of Twigs

Next up, let’s head to the gutters—those wonderful collectors of leaves, twigs, and whatever gifts the birds drop. Clogged gutters can lead to water damage and make your home look unkempt. Grab a ladder, some gloves, and maybe a buddy to hold that ladder (safety first, heroics second), and get to digging. You’ll be amazed at what you might find—last Halloween’s decorations, perhaps?

  1. Window Washing: Clarity is Key

Windows are the eyes of your home, and nobody likes foggy eyes. Grab some window cleaner, or mix up a solution of vinegar and water for an eco-friendly option, and get to polishing. You’ll not only let more light into your home but also get a clear view of the jealous neighbors admiring your sparkly windows.

  1. Touch-Up Painting: Spot the Differences

If pressure washing has revealed some spots where your home’s paint has decided to retire, it might be time for touch-ups. You don’t need to repaint the whole house—just a little concealer here and there can make a big difference. Think of it as spot treatment for your beloved abode.

  1. Landscaping: Trim the Edges

While you’re taking the time to improve your home, make sure that you don’t forget the greenery too. Trim any overgrown bushes or trees, pull out those weeds, and maybe plant a few flowers to add color. Well-maintained landscaping can enhance your home’s beauty and make it feel welcoming, instead of looking like the set of a jungle adventure movie (tiger not included).

  1. Deck and Patio Care: The Social Spaces

Your deck or patio can be the perfect place for summer barbecues—if it’s not grimy, of course. So, after pressure washing, you should definitely consider resealing or staining the wood to protect it and make it look fresh as a daisy in spring. Add some outdoor furniture, and you’ve got an Instagram-worthy area for those family gatherings (or quiet evenings with a book).

Your home’s exterior can easily be transformed from shabby to chic and shiny with the right tools, and just a little bit of elbow grease, so what’s stopping you from having the prettiest home on the block?

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

7 thoughts on “How to Clean Up Your Home’s Exterior

  • Great tips!

  • These are great ideas.

  • Excellent suggestions. Thanks for sharing.

  • These are some great tips. Thanks for sharing

  • Thank you for sharing

  • Great suggestions. I need to paint our patio and clean out the gutters.

  • Pressure washing is something we do often during the time of the year that we are able. It leaves your home with a welcome.

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