
How To Ensure Your Customers Know You

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Creating – and maintaining, of course! – a strong brand presence is something all business owners need to take very seriously. After all, if your customers don’t know who you are, how are they going to remember to buy from you and not a competitor? How will they know who to recommend to family and friends? How will be grow and become more successful?

However, ensuring that your customers know who you are is about more than just some good advertising (although that is crucial as well). The truth is you need to have a plan in place that helps people recognise you and stay loyal to you. With that in mind, here are a few useful things to think about. Read on to find out more.

Photo by Pixabay

Have A Consistent Brand Voice

Your brand voice is how you talk to your audience, but it’s not just how you literally speak to people – there’s a lot more to it than that. It’s how you write emails, how you advertise, even what your logo looks like and what impression it gives off. It’s well worth taking some time to think about what your brand voice needs to be and how you want to come across, because changing it once it’s in place isn’t an easy thing to do.

Once you’ve got your brand voice, you need to use it consistently in everything you do, no matter what it might be or how insignificant it might seem – remember, nothing is insignificant when it comes to your business. Whether you’ve got a friendly tone, a formal one, a funny one, or anything else, it needs to be the same across everything otherwise you’re going to confuse your customers and they’ll have a hard time remembering who you are.

Choose A Good Name

Your business name is a crucial part of ensuring your customers know who you are – it’s got to explain what you do, how you do it, and that brand voice we mentioned above needs to be part of it as well.

Try to come up with something that’s memorable and that won’t get confused with anyone else’s business. It’s best to check whether or not the name you like has been taken, and if it has, it’s best to think of something else. You might ask can I use the same name as another company and the answer is a complex one – it depends on some legalities, not to mention the fact that even if you did use the same name, it probably wouldn’t help you and would just get confusing; your customers would never really get the know you.

Use Social Media

If there’s one place where you can really let people know more about your company in an easy way that gets a lot of reach, it’s got to be social media. Social media platforms are powerful tools when it comes to building brand awareness, and they’ll allow you to connect with your audience in a really direct way; you can talk directly to them, showcase your products, and more.

The best way to ensure your customers know you is to engage with them on social media and response to their comments, ask questions, and get discussions going. You can show you’re a business with real people behind it and that can make a world of difference.


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

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  • Thank you for sharing

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