
Keep Things Charged With OWC USB-C Travel Dock #MegaChristmas21

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Your office is wherever your work takes you — that day. The USB-C Travel Dock keeps your vital connections on-hand wherever you are: on-set, on location, at the studio, or lounging at a coffee shop. It transfers up to 100W of pass-through charging from your USB-C power adapter, ensuring you’re powered up and ready to deliver a client presentation or download the day’s last shots.


Other World Computing (OWC), founded in 1988, is dedicated to helping Mac and PC enthusiasts do more and reach higher. We believe in sustainability and OWC solutions are truly built to last, go the distance, and enable users to maximize the technology investment they have already made. OWC’s operation provides leadership in business sustainability, with our headquarters among the first in the world awarded LEED Platinum OWC features an award-winning technical support team as well as an unparalleled library of step-by-step DIY and informational videos. From the home desktop to the enterprise rack, to the audio recording studio to the motion picture set and beyond, there should be no compromise, and that is why OWC is here.

USB-C Travel Dock E

The OWC USB-C Travel Dock E might just be the ultimate portable docking solution for Mac PC and Chromebooks. Drive an HD display, connect and charge two USB devices (like a phone or tablet…), and even access photos on an SD card. You can even add a USB-C power adapter and have a standalone charging station, so you can keep all your devices up and running. The Travel Dock transfers up to 100W of pass-through charging from a USB-C power adapter, ensuring users are powered up and ready to deliver a client presentation or download the day’s last shots. With five essential ports and just one cable, users are prepared to display, charge, connect, and import while on the move. The USB-C Travel Dock features an HDMI port for easy display connections up to 4K resolution and can be used via bus power when users don’t have access to a power outlet.


With 5 essential ports, up to 100W of pass-through charging, and just one cable, the USB-C Travel Dock is ready to display, charge, connect, and import while you’re on the move. Palm-sized and lightweight, it slips easily into your bag and stays neat and tidy with built-in cable storage.

You can purchase your own OWC Travel Doc on their Website

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “Keep Things Charged With OWC USB-C Travel Dock #MegaChristmas21

  • I definitely need one of these! I forget to charge my phone and then when I get into a store to shop for InstaCart my phone dies. So frustrating!

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