
Kid Approved Healthy Snacking with gimMe Seaweed Snacks #MegaChristmas20

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It is almost the new year and a lot of people make their new resolutions. One of the big ones is to eat healthier and get healthier. One of those things that we can change is our snacking. Try gimMe Organic seaweed snacks that are kid approved, you can eat them alone or put them in a recipe to enhance the flavor of a dish and add some organic nutrients to your meal. They are available in many yummy flavors, which one will be your favorite? These are great to sneak into a lunch box for school or work instead of reaching for those chips. Also, these would make great stocking stuffers to give you a head start on the healthy eating. 

About gimMe Organic:

After starting, growing, and ultimately selling our first natural food company – Annie Chun’s, one of the leading Asian food brands in the U.S., we were inspired to do it again. In 2011, our family was sitting around the dinner table brainstorming when our teenaged daughter Mia had a great idea – start a company that sells the best possible roasted seaweed in delicious new flavors. We all love roasted seaweed and have been eating this healthy Asian snack for years.

So we did. In 2012, we launched gimMe Snacks, the world’s first USDA Certified Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified seaweed snacks. The name? Also Mia’s idea, because gim means seaweed in Korean – and because it tastes so good, everyone wants more.

  • Perfect for lunchboxes and on-the-go snacking
  • Roasted to light & crispy perfection
  • Vitamins & minerals
  • 25 Calories per serving
  • USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, Gluten Free, and Vegan

Their original seaweed snack is made from premium organic seaweed, roasted to crispy perfection, and seasoned with one of five savory flavors:

Sea Salt     Sea Salt & Avocado Oil     Teriyaki   Extra Virgin Olive Oil     Toasted Sesame     Wasabi

  • Available at retailers nationwide including Whole Foods Market, Target, Sprouts, Safeway/Albertsons, HEB, Instacart, Amazon and Thrive Market

Stay socially connected with gimMe Organic for all their latest product releases: 



We have added gimMe Organic Seaweed snacks to our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “Kid Approved Healthy Snacking with gimMe Seaweed Snacks #MegaChristmas20

  • I’d love to try seaweed snacks. Thanks for posting!

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