
Lightweight Hands-Free Backpack for Kids with Tinibag

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Tinipak is a backpack brand from Vietnam that specializes in products for kids, especially elementary students. After 2 years of development, Tinipak was born with a mission to deliver the lightest ergonomics backpack at the forefront of flexible design. Tinipack has been successful with their first project, able to deliver products to 30 countries worldwide, and the feedback is phenomenal. Find out more information on Tinipak and their huge success. With the success of Tinipak, there is a second product that will be hitting the market. A small bag that can be used as a lunchbox, storing shoes, or even swimming suits – Tinibag, an ergonomically light bag helping kids maintain a “hands-free” ability whiling carrying items they need for school, travel or most anywhere.

Tinibag is versatile and can be used as a duffle bag, backpack or sling bag. The back is designed with a long zipper and 2 symmetrical sliders making it easier and quicker for kids to open and take the lunch box, shoes, clothes, and much more.

The interior is water-resistant, so it is great for the swim park or camp. With only 3 compartments inside, it makes things easy to find. 

From going to school, and hanging out to joining in extracurricular activities, Tinibag can optimize your kids’ choices when it comes to bags. All kids will want to have TiniBag by their side, on every road, in every event, and to make their time going to school memorable.


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