
Make Mom’s Heart Flutter with Teleflora’s New #MothersDay 2019 Floral Arrangements

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This Mother’s Day, celebrate the unique emotional bond you share with mom by gifting her a beautiful bouquet from Teleflora, the world’s leading floral gifting service. Their new 2019 Mother’s Day bouquet lineup with spectacular options for every mom, always made by hand and hand-delivered to your door by a local florist. On this day dedicated to moms everywhere, express your authentic feelings and make her feel special with a grand gesture that she will treasure for years to come.

Teleflora’s New Mother’s Day Floral Bouquet Lineup Includes:  


Show mom your unwavering love and appreciation with this exquisite work of art brimming with fragrant pink lilies, purple roses and chrysanthemums. This exclusive arrangement arrives in a one-of-a-kind hand-blown vase with whimsical iridescent shades of turquoise that give each piece a
truly unique and personal touch.


Treat mom like royalty and lavish her with a glorious bouquet filled with fresh pink roses, white lilies and a variety of purple blooms. Perfectly arranged in a stylish hand-glazed cerami vase, this eye-catching gift will delight her far beyond this special day.


Celebrate mom’s unconditional love with this charming floral arrangement bursting with soft pink
roses, lilies and chrysanthemums nestled in a hand-glazed ceramic planter. Whether mom enjoys spending quiet time in the garden or relaxing at the spa, this two-in-one gift will make her heart soar.


Surprise mom with this gorgeous bouquet overflowing with lush roses, red chrysanthemums and pink Alstroemeria. Delivered in a vintage-inspired, hand-glazed watering pitcher that doubles as a quaint garden accessory, this floral selection is perfect for the mom with a green thumb or an eye for interior decorating.


Put mom in the spotlight with this glamourous floral arrangement. Vibrant flowers expertly  gathered inside of a bold, shimmering vase with a sleek design and alluring lavender shade will undoubtedly make this a gift to remember.


LOVE OUT LOUD this Mother’s Day by sending a stunning Teleflora floral bouquet ready to be
enjoyed the moment Teleflora’s flower delivery arrives at the door.

To order a bouquet, hand-crafted and hand-delivered by a local florist anywhere in the country, please visit Teleflora.

Teleflora is the leading provider of floral arrangements for any occasion. Be sure to check out these and other arrangements available. Stay connected with Teleflora socially for all of the latest bouquets and product savings.

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106 thoughts on “Make Mom’s Heart Flutter with Teleflora’s New #MothersDay 2019 Floral Arrangements

  • So many beautiful arrangements to choose from! I would love get flowers for my mom, sister and grandma from Teleflora.

  • Such beautiful arrangements with a lot of different choices to choose from.

  • Teleflora is the only flower company I would consider using.

  • These bouquets look very nice. Thanks for sharing!

  • I would love to win for my mother! She is so wonderful that the last time she got flowers she gave them away to patients that were said to have no visitors at a nursing home! And came home to tell me they’ll continue to grow…. for the tears of joy may water the seed of the flower which will spread across the hearts of the world!

  • I have to say awesome arrangements just wish they lasted longer then a week thou. Such beauty they are !!!

  • Gosh those are all so beautiful!! I’m very impressed by the bouquets as well as the vase choices! My mom would love every single one of them!! My personal favourite is the Art Glass Treasure Bouquet because I love the vase on that one the most – it would suit my décor the best.

  • All of these arrangements are beautiful.

  • I just bought a bouquet from them last week for my best friend.

  • I’m loving the bright colors and the way they have them displayed. Any mom would be lucky to get one of these.

  • They have so many beautiful flowers. They have something that would make anyone happy!

  • All of these bouquets are so lovely. The TELEFLORA’S ART GLASS TREASURE BOUQUET has such wonderful colors!

  • The Teleflora Liquid Lavender Bouquet looks gorgeous!

  • I love lavender roses! So beautiful.

  • I like the beautiful vases these come with.

  • Teleflora delivers beautiful arrangements! Love them!

  • I like the wide variety of bouquets available and how quickly you can have them sent, even last minute

  • beautiful flowers – I love the colors

  • Beautiful flowers! I love the monarch garden bouquet!

  • Thanks for the ideas, they are all gorgeous!.

  • I would choose the Teleflora’s Liquid Lavender Bouquet.

  • Those bouquets are stunning.. especially the Liquid Lavender Bouquet.

  • TELEFLORA’S MONARCH GARDEN BOUQUET is so beautiful. I would be so happy to receive that for Mother’s Day.

  • I’ve sent two different recipients one of their bouquets that look like a birthday cake with candles but it’s actually a shaped bouquet of flowers. BOTH of them thought it was an actual cake and one of them even got out a knife to cut it until someone else at her house stopped her! Hahahaha.

  • I think my mom would love the Teleflora’s Washed In Pink Bouquet

  • REGAL BLOSSOMS BOUQUET is my favorite.

  • they have some gorgeous arrangement for Mother’s Day, I am sure my mom would be happy with any of them but I really think she would love the Liquid Lavender bouquet.

  • I love their arrangements and hope I get one for Mothers Day

  • They are all so beautiful and probably smell amazing.

  • So many beautiful options. It’ hard to choose just one!

  • I really love their floral arrangements. They are so pretty and perfect for Mother’s Day.

  • Thanks for sharing your review of these beautiful Teleflora arrangements! It’s sometimes hard to know which to choose just from pics on their website.

  • Any Mom would be stoked to get one of their arrangements.

  • I love how unique and different the vases are and how well they complement the floral arrangements.

  • Teleflora has the most beautiful arrangements. This is what I send my mom each year for Mother’s Day!

  • Such a great way to send flowers.

  • To have such beautifully crafted bouquets created and delivered for those you love is such a wonderful thought. They make great arrangements!

  • I think they are beautiful

  • These arrangements are so beautiful!!! I like the TELEFLORA’S MONARCH GARDEN BOUQUET, the TELEFLORA’S MOD MADEMOISELLE BOUQUET and the TELEFLORA’S LIQUID LAVENDER BOUQUET the best of the five. I’d love to get a gift like this. I love looking at and smelling them.

  • These arrangements are so beautiful!!! I like the TELEFLORA’S MONARCH GARDEN BOUQUET, the TELEFLORA’S MOD MADEMOISELLE BOUQUET and the TELEFLORA’S LIQUID LAVENDER BOUQUET the best of the five. I’d love to get a gift like this. I love looking at and smelling them!

  • These are all such beautiful bouquets. I especially love the arrangement with the water can. Would love to give or receive any of these.

  • I would love to give or send any one of htese flower arrangements for Mothers Day.

  • I do think it is a wonderful gift to get hand-delivered flowers to your door by a local florist.

  • their flowers are so pretty. Ive seen so many arrangements that Id like from them

  • You can’t miss with beautiful, fragrant flowers. Any mom would love this gift!

  • It’sThe perfect gift for mom! So pretty…. and the fragrance! Yes! It’s a win.

  • I just love the colors and designs of all these vases! They are so lovely.

  • I enjoy a beautiful Teleflora bouquet any time of year. It really brightens up the whole room!

  • I think my Mom would like that Monarch Garden Bouquet.

  • I love lavender roses! Beautiful!

  • I love the vibrant colors in the bouquets.

  • Beautiful arrangements. I love fresh flowers

  • They really have some really pretty flower arrangements. It would be so hard to choose which one is the best.

  • The bouquets are lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  • Beautiful flower bouquets. Teleflora has a great selection!

  • These are beautiful! I’m so nervous of sending flowers without seeing them because I sent my mom a beautiful flower arrangement that I picked online I think 1-800 flowers and they sent a geranium plant which my mom is really allergic to, It wasn’t even what I picked out. When I contacted them they said that they ran out so they substituted. I was so upset.

  • TELEFLORA’S LIQUID LAVENDER BOUQUET would be lovely to send to my sister who lives in another state. She would be thrilled.

  • Gorgeous Flowers! So perfect for Mother’s Day!!

  • This is a great idea for gifts, Teleflora has always delivered fresh arrangements that last a while. I love they change up arrangements for each holiday.

  • This is a great idea for gifts, Teleflora has always delivered fresh arrangements that last a while.

  • I am a huge Teleflora fan! When I give a gift, it has to meet my high expectations and Teleflora meets those. I love the Liquid Lavender Bouquets Their flowers are stunning!!

  • I love all of these, and the vases can be used for home decor. Nice!

  • Nice!

  • I would love to get my Mom some flowers but she’s allergic to them. She loves to have them but the aftereffects are insane!!
    What a lovely giveaway tho!


  • A couple years ago I have my mom flowers from Teleflora and they were absolutely beautiful! They lasted for a long time as well!

  • I love all of these arrangements but the Mod Mademoiselle is my favorite.

  • I love the Mod Madomoiselle one. GEtting flowers for Mothers Day is always appreciated.

  • I love the Mod Mademoiselle bouquet. Flowers for Mother’s Day would be so cool!

  • Such beautiful arrangements. Pretty vases too. Perfect for Mother’s Day!

  • I love, love, love the purple roses. My heart would definitely flutter!

  • I have used Teleflora a few times over the years. Not once have I heard the recipients of these bouquets complain about their flowers or their food baskets! Yum
    I also love receiving their gifts

  • These arrangements are beautiful. My husband always orders me flowers from Teleflora. They have always been dependable and I have always been pleased with the flowers.

  • These are really pretty, and I love the vases, you can use them all the time. It would make any mom feel special!

  • The flower arrangement I received from Teleflora a few months ago were absolutely lovely.

  • Purple is my favorite color and I love this Art Glass Treasure Bouquet.

  • I like the Liquid Lavender Bouquet best. I love purple.

  • I would LOVE to receive any of these beautiful bouquets for Mother’s Day.

  • These are all so nice! My mom loves flowers.

  • This TELEFLORA’S MOD MADEMOISELLE BOUQUET would be lovely to send to my sister for Mother’s Day.

  • Who doesn’t like getting flowers? I have a garden & flower bed but still enjoy a nice bouquet.

  • I love the purple flowers. I wish my mom was still here so I could get them for her.

  • So many nice arrangements, and the vases are very special, too!

  • lovely flowers

  • super pretty I love fresh flowers so beautiful and the smell is wonderful!

  • Teleflora is a wonderful company and have lots of different arrangements for all Price ranges. Anyone can find an arra,gements for any price.

  • Gorgeous! I really like the ‘ART GLASS TREASURE BOUQUET’…

  • All these flower arrangements are Beautiful. I use to get a dozen roses once a week when my husband got paid.

  • These are such beautiful arrangements. I love ordering from Teleflora.

  • Wow gorgeous!!

  • wow i love this bouquet itsso vibrant.

  • I love the huge variety of arrangements to choose from. There is something for everyone there!

  • These are such beautiful floral designs and I love the keepsake vases

  • What beautiful flower arrangements! This would be so special to receive on Mother’s Day!

  • This is a great company for any holiday! Sending flowers to a loved one who is too far away is such a great way to show the love!

  • I am loving the colors looking good

  • Teleflora has such lovely flowers. I would be happy to receive any of them.

  • these are beautiful

  • Teleflora has so many beautiful bouquets it would be hard to pick just one.

  • Love these flowers and vases so beautiful.

  • Teleflora always has such gorgeous, unique bouquets. I love their keepsake vases! They make ordering flowers so convenient and easy.

  • Ordering on Teleflora is a breeze. They always deliver fresh arrangements that last and they are always beautiful. The containers the flowers arrive in are always lovely and I like that I can use them over and over again.

  • I have purchased Teleflora flowers before and they were delivered on time, were very colorful and not damaged! They were great quality!

  • so many beautiful flowers. love the vases they are in

  • I love the ease with which I am able to order flowers at Teleflora. The only thing I don’t like is the constant pop up to get advertising emails (no way). When received the product is usually just as displayed.

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