
Moms Rock Giveaway Hop ~ Enter to Win $15 Amazon Gift Card

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Moms Rock Giveaway Hop


Celebrating moms, not just all the month of May, but everyday. Check out our latest giveaway hop with many chances to enter and win fun prizes!

It’s Free At Last and so many other great blogs are VERY EXCITED to share this great opportunity with YOU! 

***The Giveaway***

1 winner will receive a $15 Amazon Gift Card

Giveaway is open to Worldwide Residents, ages 18+ years of age (limited to one entrant per household).

The giveaway ends 05/31/24.

Simply follow the Rafflecopter entry form below for chance to win.

Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

61 thoughts on “Moms Rock Giveaway Hop ~ Enter to Win $15 Amazon Gift Card

  • I really like the nice weather this month.
    The flowers are blooming.

  • I like the weather.

  • My birthday is on the 30th and the weather is finally warming up! I’m a happy girl <3

  • The weather changing!

  • I love that my grandson’s school gets out for summer vacation so I can spend more time for with him.

  • i love that my birthday is in may. i am 46 years young!

  • My favorite thing about this month is my birthday! ‍♀️

  • My favorite thing about this month is all of the beautiful May flowers blossoming everywhere.

  • Getting an extra day off work 🙂

  • 2ny favorite thing about this month is the cricket games

  • I will be finally getting my pension

  • I love that the beaches open!

  • My favorite thing is the nicer weather.

  • The nice weather

  • My favorite thing about May is the weather. Not too hot or cold.

  • My birth month!

  • Lots of outdoor activities.

  • This month is my husband’s birthday

  • My flowers starting to bloom.

  • Last day of school for my kids.

  • I love the nice weather and our pool opening up.

  • My favorite thing about May is that (usually) the snow is over and I can get my garden planted.

  • I love the warmer weather and more hours of daylight!

  • Being able to plant my gardens.

  • It’s the end of the school year.

  • My favorite thing about this month is that I can plant my garden.

  • What I love about May are all the wild edible plants I can forage to help feed my household, groceries are terribly expensive.

  • My favorite thing about May is warmer weather. Thanks for sharing.

  • Gardening season!

  • My favorite thing about may is our front flowers start to come up! They are orange and yellow tiger lillies.

  • I like the warmer weather, and the flowers.

  • My favorite thing about May is that my flowers start growing.

  • My grandson’s birthday

  • Memorial Day because it’s the day I met my late husband.

  • School is out. I wont have to be waiting around to take a kid to school! YAY!

  • Few birthdays & warmer weather.

  • It’s my birth month.

  • My favorite thing about this month is that we are finishing up the homeschool year!! So ready for summer fun!

  • My older sister was born in this month.

  • the end of the school year nearing

  • I like decorating the May Pole,

  • The warm weather.

  • Warmer weather, reason to wear comfortable lighter clothing, greenery and sunshine.

  • The nice weather has finally arrived

  • It’s my daughter’s birthday month and mine!

  • I like May because I get to celebrate my birthday

  • It’s our Anniversary, 39 years and still going strong!!

  • Thanks for the giveaway; it was mother’s day this month. 🙂

  • My favorite thing is getting the gardens going and the arrival of the hummingbirds.

  • My favorite thing about the month of May are the flowers and blooming trees.

  • My favorite thing is the return of rain and thunderstorms.

  • love that the snowbirds are leaving Florida so things can slow down here

  • The weather.

  • I like the green grass and pretty flowers!

  • The nice weather.

  • I love that all of my spring plantings are thriving and blooming!

  • i like the warmer weather and celebrating mother’s day.

  • I’m going to a concert tonight!

  • There is the day to remember the moms and other mother like figures in your life.

  • I love that it is officially gardening season!

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