
Monster Buddy Pillow Giveaway!!!

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No Need to Get Rid of Monsters at Night- Make one Your Buddy!

A Monster Buddy is a memory foam body pillow for kids! Made with super soft minky fabric and a yummy fleece blanket housed in the back, I think this would be a great Christmas present for any kid! It promotes better sleeping posture, it works great as a head pillow as well- works great for sleep overs and long car ride naps- it’s the best night time companion after mom!

Read Mom Does Reviews thoughts here.

The Giveaway:

Special thanks to Two Hippos, makers of Wall bumpi-product that won Huggies 2012 Mom Inspired Grant (Wall Bumpi is a product of Two Hippos LLC) for offering a Monster buddy to one lucky winner! Winner will choose the color! ($65.99 ARV)

Giveaway open to US only.

Giveaway ends 12/4 at 1159p

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

59 thoughts on “Monster Buddy Pillow Giveaway!!!

  • I’d like the red or blue one for my son!

  • pink

  • i would choose the blue one it makes m son’s room perfect

  • I would like a RED one or pink Maybe even purple

  • My daughter would love the hot pink, but I LOVE the green one!

  • Red for my daughter

  • I showed my 3 yr. old and asked him which one he would like if I was lucky enough to win..he said RED!!! (my choice too ;o)

  • I would get a blue one for my son 🙂

  • I love the Blue one

  • Red or blue

  • I would pick blue. Thanks!

  • The pink one for my daughter 🙂

  • green, since thats my sons favorite color! 🙂

  • Blue for my nephew

  • Hot pink for my little angel 🙂

  • Red.

  • Red.

  • the red one

  • I like the blue one for my grandson.

  • I like the blue one!

  • Red. It looks like the Yo Gabba Gabba guy. And my kids like that show.

  • I would choose Blue

  • I would pick red

  • blue fo my son

  • A blue one thank you so much

  • I really like the red one!

  • Blue to match my baby’s room and eyes!!

  • Probably Orange.

  • I’d choose Hot Pink Monster Buddy Body Pillow

  • Pink for my daughter:)

  • I would pick the green one!

  • I would pick blue!

  • green

  • has to be pink

  • i love the green one think my son would to

  • i would choose hot pink for my niece!

  • I like the pink one

  • Green Monster Buddy

  • I like the red one the best!!

  • I want the red or a pink one!

  • My little girl would love the Hot Pink Monster Buddy Body Pillow!!

  • the red one!

  • I love the red one.

  • Totally love Green and Blue but I think we’d end up choosing green 🙂

  • Blue Monster Buddy Body Pillow.

  • The red for my son =)

  • Red is Perfect. My one year old granddaughter would love this because it looks like Muno, and he is her favorite!!!!

  • I like the red one , he kinds reminds of MUNO from yo gabba gabba..He was my sons favorite

  • My son would LOVE the red monster pillow!!

  • I really like the red one!

  • I would like green.

  • I like red!

  • I would like pink.

  • I like the red one.

  • I would want a pink one.

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