
Outdoor Halloween Fun with Ghosts in the Graveyard Redux by Starlux Games

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Just in time for Halloween season!! A great time can be spent outdoors with this game that offers spooky and scary fund for younger kids or even family games for kids and adults to play together. The variety of skills employed and the spooky silliness of this game engages many types of players – Ghosts in the Graveyard Redux by Starlux Games.


About Starlux Games: 

At its heart, our company began on Boy Scout camping trips in the Sierra Nevada Mountains playing Capture the Flag. Working together as a team, sneaking around the forest, sprinting at full speed – it was the best game ever! These experiences took root as a business concept when one of us discovered an LED light shaped like an ostrich egg. Somehow, this strange object combined with a classic childhood activity and our first game emerged: Capture the Flag REDUX.

Ghost players hide, waiting to jump out and tag the Ghost Hunters. If a Hunter sees a ghost, they must race back to the safe zone before being tagged – or become a ghost themselves the next round!

“There’s a ghost in the graveyard, run, run ruuuuun!!” This unique kid’s game incites epic excitement as players search, scare, hunt, hide, yell and run. Add haunted, glowing fun to your outdoor activities. The game includes 7 glowing Ghost Hunter bracelets and 4 light up Safe Zone Markers (batteries included and replaceable). 

Birthday party games, Halloween party games, ghost buster themed parties or outdoor games for kids/family to play together – feel confident you’re sharing an exciting nighttime activity and great gift for kids. 

Available for purchase on Amazon, Starlux Games Website and at toy retailers. 

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

5 thoughts on “Outdoor Halloween Fun with Ghosts in the Graveyard Redux by Starlux Games

  • Perfect for Halloween!

  • this looks like so much fun!

  • This looks really fun

  • That looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing

  • We love playing family games. This sounds like one we would enjoy!


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