
Purex 31 Days Promotion ~~ Enter daily

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Purex 31 days promotion


Enter the Purex 31 Days Promotion ~~ Each day a new prize will be awarded. Simply become a fan of Purex on Facebook and enter daily for your chance to get fabulous prizes.  Today’s prize is an Family Bike Set!!! (ARV $350.00) ~~ Remember the prizes change daily.

You can check out the full calendar of prizes that change daily:


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

25 thoughts on “Purex 31 Days Promotion ~~ Enter daily

  • would love to win anything.

  • i’d like to win anything already

  • I would love to win the gas grill.

  • I would like the Xbox One or PS4.

  • i would like to win the grill 🙂

  • Samsung Galaxy tablet

  • I’d like to win the camping getaway package.

  • I would love to win an ipod touch!

  • The Samsung Galaxy Tablet 🙂

  • groceries, cookware, clothing..Anything would be great!

  • Good list of prizes.

  • KitchenAid Mixer & bakeware!!

  • would love to win the outdoor fireplace!

  • Any win would be great. I just love wining things.

  • it all sounds good! I’d like to win the free groceries!!

  • Laptop for the first week but would love to win the swing set for my 2 year old

  • a year’s supply of purex sounds good

  • Samsung Galaxy Tablet

  • back to school shopping spree

  • well… looks like great!… but the PS4 would be AWESOME!

  • I would love the noise cancelling headphones or the free products

  • Would love to win some beets headphones for my son who lost his due to being held up in front of his school at knife point last winter.

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