
Puzzling Fun with Hidden Picture Puzzles At The Zoo Activity Book #MegaChristmas19

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Hidden picture puzzles has always been one of my cherished activities to do when I was growing up, and now I can have my kids share in the fun with me in finding the hidden items. You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy these hidden puzzles, and the bonus is you can color the pages after you are done searching. Books like Hidden Picture Puzzles will make a great gift for anyone that enjoys a challenge and loves to color also. Lets Go to the Zoo!

About the Author:

Liz Ball is the author/illustrator of the popular Hidden Treasures, hidden picture puzzle books.

Her puzzles are also syndicated in over 200 newspapers, magazines and publications throughout the U.S. and internationally. Liz is a frequent speaker at schools, libraries, and writer conferences where she delights audiences with her sketches.

Liz works in a vine-covered cottage where one large dog and a big fluffy cat keep her company while she draws. When not bent over a drawing board, Liz enjoys tending her flower gardens, making pottery, and enjoying the abundance of birds and nature surrounding the 1855 house where she and her husband have lived for forty plus years.

Hidden Picture Puzzles at the Zoo [Happy Fox Books] will be available in paperback wherever books are sold as of November 22, 2019

It’s time to bust out your binoculars and go wild! Spend hours at the zoo searching for over 1,000 hidden animals and objects in 50 exciting seek-and-find puzzles. Each puzzle is in black and white, so once you find all the secret items, you can bring the pages to life by coloring them! Along the way, you’ll also read crazy cool facts to learn about zoo animals, from bats and frogs to hippos and manatees. With so much to discover, so much to color, and so much to learn, you’ll never want to leave the zoo!

  • Solve 50 seek-and-find puzzles
  • Look for over 1,000 hidden animals and objects
  • Color each puzzle page
  • Read tons of zoo animal fun facts
  • Enjoy hours of fun!

You can purchase these great books on Amazon.

You can stay socially connected with Liz Ball to stay up to date on her new releases.



We have added Hidden Picture Puzzles to our 2019 Holiday Gift Guide

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