
Real Time Pain Relief Offers Fast Joint Pain Relief

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Suffering from Osteioarthritis, I feel daily pain in my back and shoulders. I was diagnosed with this from a the very young age of 25 years old.

I have tried several pills, rubs, sprays and lotions to reduce or alleviate the pain, but they tend to loose their effectiveness rather quickly and frankly, I am not a fan of some of the strong chemicals in these products. I am thankful to have found Real Time Pain Relief to help with my symptoms.

Natural and organic mixes are definitely favored here. With a healthy dose of CBD hemp oil, these products can help you regain a pain-free life again. Less anxiety about your symptoms, and more rest from the stress.

More about Real Time Pain Relief

Real Time Pain Relief has been known as the most effective, best smelling, topical pain relief product on the market!!

Real Time Pain Relief is a non-greasy, fast absorbing lotion that provides soothing relief from your pain just minutes after applying.  Real Time Pain Relief is a U.S. company with decades of experience in skin care and topical pain relief, has just launched two new products for topical muscle soreness and pain relief for after workouts and other physical activities: Hemp Oil Plus and Real Time Sports Cream.

Real Time Pain Relief has a full-service line of cremes and rubs to cater to your needs. For the more active individual, their Sports Cream helps deliver quick relief after hard workout or run. I love that after a hard day on my feet all day, I can come home and get instant relief with just a small application of their cream.The sports cream has over 25 natural ingredients combined to give optimum relief. Some of those ingredients include turmeric, magnesium oil and menthol. You instantly feel that cooling sensation and dips right to the core of the pain.

It is free of GMO’s, Parabens, SLS and dyes. The smell is not overpowering, like its competitor’s. It comes in a larger 12 oz. pump to keep at home, and 1.5 and 4 oz. tubes to travel with you in your purse or gym bag.

Another product offered by Real Time Pain Relief is their Hemp Oil Plus. Noted as their most effective pain relief product, it is a rich cream that delivers real-time relief. With Turmeric, Peppermint oil, Wasabi extract and hemp oil, it is perfect for joint relief against stiffness and pain.  

These and other pain relieving products are available online at Real Time Pain Relief and on Amazon. If you or someone you know suffers from join pain, point them in the direction of Real Time Pain Relief today.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “Real Time Pain Relief Offers Fast Joint Pain Relief

  • I prefer to use creams that are all natural. I’ve never used this before, but I’d l ike to give it a try.

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