
How to Save Money on Student Life

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It’s common knowledge that today, in order to make it far in your chosen career, it’s almost always necessary to have some form of college education. With many MBA career opportunities available and other lucrative, coveted positions for those who graduate from college with a good degree, going to college seems unavoidable if you’re hoping to be successful in later life. However, many students are bypassing college and struggling later on due to the rising cost of student life. We’ve listed some of the best ways to save money on college study. 

Online Programs

Studying online is one of the best ways to cut your tuition fees by around a third. Is an online MBA worth it? Yes, definitely! Studying for your MBA online means that whilst you’ll still graduate with exactly the same qualification from your chosen college, you’ll pay less tuition fees for it and also save money on other costs, such as transport to and from campus.

Studying Abroad

As a student, it’s likely that at some point you’ll want to go and do some exploring with your new college friends. Studying or volunteering abroad is an excellent way of doing this, as it allows you to see different parts of the world without having to scrimp and save for months to afford it. Many colleges will offer study or work abroad opportunities for their students, depending on the type of program that you’re enrolled on. Certain programs, for example international business programs or language studies, may require you to travel as part of your degree!

Use the Library

Buying textbooks is maybe one of the costs that students dread the most when coming to college. However, the good news is that you can do your degree and successfully graduate without spending any money on books if you know how to use the library wisely. Even if you’re an online student, if you have access to your campus library then you should certainly take advantage of it.

Avoid Student Debt

Getting into debt can be very tempting for students, but many graduates wish that they’d been more careful with their money when it comes to paying it off. As a student, you may be unable to avoid borrowing money for tuition fees. However, when it comes to things such as student overdrafts, credit cards, and payday loans, it’s a good idea to avoid them and only borrow spending money when absolutely necessary. Informal loans from family or friends can be better than borrowing from official lenders, as you can agree on flexible repayment terms.

Ditch the Car

If you live on campus or close by, or if you’re studying online, then there’s no need to use the car to get to class. Avoiding driving as much as possible and walking or cycling instead is a great way to save money, and these free ways of getting around will also help to improve your physical and mental health.

Student life has a reputation for being expensive, but it doesn’t have to be!

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