
Shop Til You Drop Black Friday Gift Card Giveaway (4 Winners total)

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Shop Til You Drop Black Friday Gift Card Giveaway

2 lucky winners will each receive a $50 Gift Card to the store of their choice! 

Are you prepping for Black Friday, scouting out the local shops for Small Businesses Saturday and scouring the web for great deals for Cyber Monday? No matter what your shopping preference is, if you are looking to save money this holiday shopping season, you have come to the right place!

This Giveaway is all about YOU & YOUR CHOICE! You can choose Paypal, Walmart, Target, Amazon, a favorite restaurant, local shop, etc. You can use it on Black Friday while wrestling the crowds and waiting in the cold long lines,  you can use while shopping in your pj’s and sipping your hot cocoa on Cyber Monday OR you can use it Christmas Eve! The choice is yours! The winner will be receive their gift card before Thanksgiving so you will be armed and ready for the busy shopping season! 

Since I come from a very large family, I have always been a HUGE Black Friday Shopper.  My mom got me addicted to it when I was about 17 and I have shopped every Black Friday since. 

Thanks to Cook’n, (our awesome sponsor), for setting up this timely giveaway! Cook’n Recipe Organizer is an easy to use program that makes recipe management and organizing a breeze on your home computer. It is a Recipe Organizer, Menu Planner, Grocery Shopping Assistant, Nutritional Analyst, and a Family Cookbook Maker. This program can do so many things! They have sold over 3 million copies! There is a 200% Guarantee…you can’t beat that, so check out Cook’n Recipe Organizer today! A big thanks to the bloggers that are sharing this giveaway so you could know about it! 

Entering to win is easy to do by filling out the rafflecopter form below. This Giveaway is open World Wide to people ages 18+. Winners will be chosen by, emailed and have 24 hours to respond…..BUT WAIT….Cook’n has sweetened the deal! They are also hosting another giveaway so not only 2 but 4 Lucky fans will each win a $50 Gift Card!  After you fill out your entries on this rafflecopter form, please head over here to enter to win one of the other two $50 Gift Cards! GOOD LUCK on BOTH Giveaways! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received no Monetary Compensation for sharing this giveaway. It’s Free At Last is not responsible for prize fulfillment. 

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

46 thoughts on “Shop Til You Drop Black Friday Gift Card Giveaway (4 Winners total)

  • i will be shoppin BF!

  • cant wait for the cyber monday deals! no way im standing out in the cold

  • Maybe online if I find deals on things on my list

  • Haven’t Black Friday shopped in years. This year going to take my 20 year old daughter out and show here the ropes! HA! She’s finally old enough to get up early and go!! LOL

  • I ALWAYS do black Friday shopping! I think its fun and exciting to scout out the best deals!

  • I absolutely love Black Friday shopping so yes, I will be out shopping. I have gone every year since my girls were babies, and now they enjoy going with me

  • Looking forward to some shopping

  • Bah! One should always try to save and not waste on ‘gifts’. It is better to share time.

  • Nope. No going out on BF for me! ICK! 🙂

  • great giveaway. Gift cards make great gifts

  • I am happy to say if I go black friday shopping it will be for fun and to get great deals on things I want. I have been officially finished Christmas shopping since Halloween.

  • Our daughter will be here and her family will be here visiting, so we’ll probably end up babysitting, while she and her husband go out shopping. Which is OK with us, because I’m getting too old to battle the crowds, if you know what I mean!!!

  • Online shopping only. No physical stores for me and cyber monday it is.

  • I am!!! And, i’m even considering going out Thursday to Sears for the 50″ Toshiba Flatscreen for $299 🙂 I hate making people working Holidays, though. The dilemma!

  • No not this year

  • Yep! Going with my best friend & my daughter! We can’t wait!!

  • I will probably not be black Friday shopping this year since I am unemployed at this time. Thanks!

  • not this year! my husband and I went for a tv one year and it was crazy! we were basically locked in a walmart all night and had to look like we were shopping until they finally lined us up at 3am, lol. So theres no way we’re bringing our toddler!

  • Spend it with family, most likely. I am too old to BF shop anymore 🙂

  • Wow, winning this would be a great way to start my Christmas gift buying. I have 6 grandkids, 4 kids along with their significant others that I want to get gifts for. Thanks for hosting this contest.

  • I gave up on in person Black Friday shopping years ago but I will do some online shopping.

  • Heck yes! I shop everyday.. either online or in the store! lol

    [email protected]

  • no

  • Yes, but mainly online – don’t think I want to go out this year with the stores opening at midnight now.

  • This would be a huge help this holiday season!

  • Every Year

  • Yes we will be black friday shopping for sure! We always make a big thing of it and shop from about 8 pm thanksgiving night until about 8 am Friday morning lol!

  • Really want to go but not on Thanksgiving when all the stores seem to be opening this year.

  • What an awesome giveaway! Maybe I will win this one 🙂

  • We’ll be doing a little shopping! We don’t do much for Christmas, but want to see what good deals are out there!!

  • I think I will be out of town, where there are no bigger stores. May need to shop on-line this BF

  • No Black Friday shopping for me.

  • Not this year, I will be doing cyber monday shopping!

    ANNE L

  • Not sure if I will go out shopping…may do some online shopping.

  • Still not sure if I want to.

  • WAG and CVS! and lots of online shopping!

  • I would, but I am broke = so I’m working on Black Friday! … Maybe run out after Not sure yet 🙂

  • I might go out this year. My kids will be with their dad.

  • I would love to do some Black Friday shopping but my check does not come in until after 🙁

  • Thank you for the giveaway! I will be doing my BF shopping mostly online.

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