
Snappy Snoozers Inflatable Pet Bed Provides Easy-to-Clean Arthritic Support

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When it comes to pet beds we go through our fair share! Most of the time, pet beds meet their demise in the washing machine. If you think about it, you know what I mean. They are big, bulky and not fun to wash to start with. Then, once washed and dried, they are out of shape and lumpy. We have even tried the ones with removable covers that are washed easily, but that still leaves you with the stuffing (or foam) full of obnoxious odors. And, if you have a senior pet with incontinence, odor is not the only thing you are left with! With these thoughts in mind, I was super excited to learn about the Snappy Snoozers Inflatable Pet Bed!

Snappy Snoozers Pet Bed

The Snappy Snoozers pet bed was created for the busy pet owner that can’t afford to waste time while waiting for the soiled pet bed to be washed, dried, and then found to have lost its shape and cushion. Sounds perfect, right?! Well, it is!!! Read on and let me tell how brilliant it is!
Snappy Snoozers Pet Bed

The Snappy Snoozer’s inflatable mattress consists of a quilt that has snaps along the mattress to snap the quilt on and off. The best part is, the mattress is easily wiped down with a damp cloth and then covered with a new covering. No more waiting on the covering to go through the wash and dry cycle. Your pet can immediately enjoy their bed again!

Snappy Snoozers Pet Bed collage

How does the Snappy Snoozers Inflatable Pet Bed work?

The Snappy Snoozers Inflatable Pet Bed comes with the air mattress, air pump, and 2 coverings. The first thing you will need to do is pump up the air mattress to your desired firmness. Depending on your dog’s comfort level, it can be firm or soft. My pups like it a little in between.

Once you have the mattress full of air, simple attach one of the super soft coverings according to the snaps – easy-peasy! That’s it! My little one jumped right on and wanted to claim as her own. However, it was meant for my older arthritic dogs.

Snappy Snoozers Pet Bed

For someone with a couple of senior dogs with arthritis and incontinence issues, I am rejoicing! The air mattress is easy to clean and sanitize. No more soggy, soaked beds to deal with! The Snappy Snoozer Pet Bed can be used indoors or outdoors and is water proof.

It also makes a great pet bed for travel because you can deflate for packing and simply pump up when you arrive at your destination.

Snappy Snoozers Pet Bed

I have the medium/large sized bed and it is super roomy for my little Chihuahua. However, it is intended for my medium sized dog. It is especially nice for older, arthritic dogs! The air mattress helps relieve pressure on their aching joints!

Snappy Snoozers Pet Bed

Of course, all the dogs (including the younger pups) love Snappy Snoozers and had to give it a try! The Snappy Snoozers pet bed has become a favorite for all the dogs, never mind their age!

Snappy Snoozers Pet Bed feature in a nutshell:

  • Ideal for older pets or pets with arthritis and incontinence issues
  • Easy to clean and sanitize
  • Doesn’t lose shape
  • Great for handicapped pets
  • Fantastic for road trips with pets
  • Perfect pet bed to take to the beach
  • Waterproof
  • Made to last

Between my arthritic senior dogs and the ones with incontinence issues, the Snappy Snoozers pet bed has become a favorite! When I say favorite, I mean for me and my lovable fur friends! I love the ease of washing the covering and sanitizing the mattress, while they love the comfort of snoozing on air! I also love that it holds its shape – no more lumps and bumps!

Another benefit is that it doesn’t harbor pest! If a flea happens to get past your defenses, no worries! It cannot set up shop in a Snappy Snoozer pet bed!

The one thing I must mention is that while it is made extra well and holds up to strong sharp toenails, it would not be the right bed for a chewing puppy.

If you are looking for an easy to care for pet bed that will provide orthopedic support for your pet, visit Snappy Snoozers and check them out! They offer the Snappy Snoozer pet bed in several fun colors.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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