
THE BOSS BABY: BACK IN THE CRIB – On Netflix on May 19th

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If you’ve ever tried transferring a sleeping baby from your arms to a crib, you know the white-knuckled drill: you think you’ve done your job, maybe you even stuck the landing and got the kid down, but until the moment you’ve tiptoed out of the room and gennnnntly shut that door, the operation could still explode. You were never in charge. It was always the baby.The team and I were (and are) so very proud of our original The Boss Baby: Back in Business series. We told young Tim and Teddy’s story, and I’d like to think we even stuck the landing before handing our baby back to the feature team. But just as we were tiptoeing out of the room, we saw what Tom McGrath and company were doing with their feature sequel, and it happened: The baby woke up. And he was very hungry for more. Of course we fell in love with Tina, Tabitha, grown-up Tim, Carol…but even more than that, we saw the one big idea that opened up all the fun and heart we’d need for a new series: corporate titan Theodore Templeton may have sprouted into an adult, but he never really stopped being a baby.

So we’re giving him a second chance to grow up – cast down from the posh life, thrust back into the Baby Love biz with a new team and new threats, and The Boss Baby: Back in the Crib with Tim and family. The baby’s back in charge, the operation’s exploding again, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you.

About the show:

Following the events of The Boss Baby: Family Business Theodore Templeton is framed for  embezzlement and forced to revert back to his old Boss Baby self and crash with his brother Tim and his two nieces, brainy big kid Tabitha and fellow Baby Corp employee Tina. Together, Boss Baby and Tina co-lead a new Field Team fighting to increase Baby Love while keeping a new group of arch-nemeses – The Uncuddleables – from destroying Baby Corp itself.

Here are some free printables you can enjoy with the entire family

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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