
Tips and Tricks: Play Roulette Like A Pro

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Becoming a professional roulette gamer is the dream of many casino gamblers. There are various guides which are trying to teach you the necessary skills. Roulette is a game of chance and you just need to place bets and have fun.

Types of roulette

Up to date, we can talk about three usual roulette types. It includes American, European and French. American roulette contains two zeros, which is unfavorable for customers. It means that you will lose if the ball lands on zero. European roulette features only one zero which increases winning odds and lowers the house edge. However, the most recommended roulette variation is French. It appears with En Prison and La Partage rules. En Prison allows players to receive half of the bet when they lose. La Partage gives you half of the bet for the next round.

Betting system

Everyone who searches for the best roulette tips should check the following options: • Martingale (double bet after the first loss) • Labouchere (playing with the betting rows) • Dˈalembert (when certain number lands regularly) • Fibonacci (number sequence as followed: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and so on) • Paroli (increasing bets as you win) • Chaos (placing the bets without order) • Grand Martingale (triple bets after you lose) • Betting on even/odd numbers, red/black fields and high/low

Optimal strategy for playing roulette online

When you decide to play roulette online jocuricalaaparate, you need to follow strategy. Everyone who starts roulette experience without a basic plan will probably lose. That’s why we put forward useful strategies about „how to play roulette and win“: • Become familiar with wheel (players should learn all betting combinations, not only usual black/red or dozens/single bets. Here we can talk about French terms for useful bets like Jeu Zero (betting on the numbers next to 0 on the wheel) or Voisins du zero (when you bet on a wider range of digits around 0) • Place small bets (it is recommended to place small bets over the period of time than big bets on single numbers) • Learn roulette strategy • Set loss limits (don’t chase your losses; bet only if you can afford) • Learn to manage your bankroll


As you can observe, the roulette game comes with the necessary strategy. If you want to learn how to play roulette, make sure to apply all the steps.

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