
Tips to Buy A Perfect Smart TV for Your Family

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The idea that people don’t gather together in the living room to watch TV is silly. People do it all the time. All that has changed is that the TV room used to be a regular event back in the days when people couldn’t afford their own TVs in different rooms and when there were only five channels. These days, families will come together one or two nights per week, often to watch movies or popular TV shows that they all enjoy. Instead of a nightly routine, it is more of a family event, and that is a good thing.

Get Your TV From a Reputable Merchant

This is probably the only thing that matters. If there is a problem with your TV, perhaps it came out of the factory faulty, you don’t want a merchant company that will ignore your requests for a refund or a replacement. You need a good company that offers fair prices, a returns policy, and that generally stocks good products. You need a company like

Don’t Be Sold By Apps 

It may have Amazon TV on there and Netflix on there, and it may even come with half a year’s subscription to one of the streaming services, but they are not a good selling point. Most modern TVs allow you to add a range of apps to your TV, ranging from Shudder to Hulu. Plus, most starter subscriptions will give you a few months free of charge anyway, so don’t stress out about it.

A Comfortable Screen Size

The bigger is not always the better. It all depends on the size of your room. If you have a big TV, but you have to sit too close to it, then it becomes a hassle to watch. A bigger screen TV is better if you are sitting back. Try to pick a size that suits the room in your house. In addition, modern TVs can be watched from almost any angle without it affecting the viewing experience. Sometimes, the TV screens you can watch from any angle are called OLED.

Your Preferred Brand

Do you have a preferred manufacturer? Is there a brand name that you trust above others. At the very least, you could have a look at the range of TVs they have on offer to see if anything fits your budget and your requirements. It may be worth checking out other brands simply for price comparison purposes. Try to avoid review websites because they are always trying to push whichever brand pays them the most affiliate money.

Don’t Recreate Your Old TV

There is a temptation to find a TV that is similar to your older TV but is perhaps more updated. There is really no point in doing this because makes and models change over time. You may be comfortable with your current TV set and may simply want to upgrade, but you are better off shopping around for a variety of TV types. They are all very easy to understand, to set up and to use, so forget trying to get an upgraded version of your old TV and try something new.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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