
Tips to Financial Planning for College

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored campaign created in collaboration with the The Sits Girls on behalf of MassMutual. All opinions are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


MassMutual College Savings Plan
As May approaches, it is becoming a bittersweet time for me.  My daughter is graduating at the end of May and will be heading off to college in the fall.  It seems like yesterday she was grasping my finger for the first time as an infant.  Times were tough for us when she was a baby.As a single mother, I was working full-time during the day, getting a few hours of special time with her in the evenings and then it was off to night-time college courses for me.  As I worked my way through college, I vowed to make it easier on her to get her degree than it was for me. From a very early age, I started researching and finding the right ways to easily save for the day she got her first acceptance letter.


MassMutual Financial Group
Whether you are just starting out, have one in middle school, or even upcoming graduation, MassMutual can help you along the way.  Whether it is your child’s educational future, or your own personal retirement, MassMutual can help you take small steps and get a better understanding of your finances.  This will help you secure your and your children’s financial and educational futures, after all, that is one of the most important things that matter most.

Easy Steps to Save for CollegeFinding the right resources to help you is the key.  MassMutual offers a professional, knowledgeable team of experts.  You can work with a Financial planner that will help you keep close track and fully informed of your savings and progress.  One exceptional tool that helps is their College Savings Calculator.

College Calculator


The College Savings Calculator gives you an idea of what the costs will be for both in and out-of-state colleges, whether private or public.  As my daughter heads off to an out-of-state college, I am thankful that I had the mindset to start financial planning so many years ago.  These easy-to-use online tools and the help of professionals at MassMutual take the guesswork out of understanding what you need to put aside and save for your and your family’s financial future.

Planning for Retirement


Another handy resource for me is their Retirement Planning Calculator.  I know that I have a number of years left before I officially consider retirement, but I want peace of mind knowing that I am putting enough aside to assure that I can not only enjoy retirement, but not become a financial burden to my children.

MassMutual offers many services and can help you get a grasp and better understanding of your short and long-term financial goals by budgeting accurately and talking it over with a financial professional. Taking these few, small steps now, can mean huge results over time.

Here are just a few of the financial tips from MassMutual that can put you on the right path:

  1. Identify your financial goals – know what you want to save for
  2. Get Organized – take the overwhelming sense out of it. MassMutual can help
  3. Use tools to help you project your needs – from college to retirement
  4. Consider your most valuable asset – know how it affects your future
  5. Teach your children to save early on – make if fun and educational
  6. Find the right people to help – financial professionals can keep you informed and on track

Visit MassMutual and see how easily you can start your financial planning and goals today.  See what tools and calculators they have and consider talking with one of their financial professionals to help you start paving the way to future financial success!



Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of MassMutual.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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