
Top 5 Most Common Repair Works When Car Flipping

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Flipping cars can be a profitable side hustle or even a full-time gig if you know where to focus your efforts. The key is to buy used cars at low prices, fix them up, and sell them for a profit. But not all repairs are created equal—some can cost too much to justify, while others are affordable fixes that significantly increase a vehicle’s resale value.

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  1. Windshield Replacement

One of the first things potential buyers notice is the condition of the windshield. Chips and cracks not only look bad but can also be a safety issue. Thankfully, auto glass replacement is a relatively affordable and straightforward repair.

Plus, a new windshield instantly improves the car’s overall appearance, making it an easy win for your car-flipping efforts.

  1. Brake Repairs

Safety is a top priority for most car buyers, so ensuring the brakes are in excellent condition is a must. Worn brake pads or squeaky brakes are a major turn-off for potential buyers. Luckily, brake repairs can be one of the more affordable fixes. Replacing brake pads and resurfacing rotors can cost between $100 and $300, depending on whether you tackle the job yourself or hire a mechanic. Fixing up the brakes gives buyers peace of mind and can easily boost the car’s resale value.

  1. Battery Replacement

A dead or unreliable battery can quickly kill a sale. Buyers don’t want to worry about whether the car will start, and replacing a battery is one of the easiest and most cost-effective repairs. A new car battery can range from $50 to $150, depending on the brand and type. This simple replacement ensures the car starts up with no issues during test drives and reassures buyers that they won’t be dealing with electrical problems down the road.

  1. Exhaust Repairs

Exhaust issues can be loud, obnoxious, and even trigger check-engine lights—none of which help you sell a car. If the vehicle has an exhaust leak or a muffler that’s seen better days, it’s worth investing in a repair. Exhaust repairs can vary in cost, but minor fixes like sealing a small leak or replacing a muffler typically range from $150 to $400. Addressing these issues not only makes the car run more smoothly but also ensures it meets emissions standards, which can be a selling point.

  1. Paint Touch-Ups

A car with a worn-out, scratched exterior can instantly lower its perceived value. Paint touch-ups are a simple way to restore the car’s appearance without investing in a costly full paint job. Fixing up minor scratches and faded spots is an inexpensive way to breathe new life into a vehicle’s look. If certain areas, like the hood or roof, are too damaged for basic touch-ups, consider using a partial car wrap. Wrapping just the hood or roof is a more affordable option than repainting and gives the vehicle a fresh, updated look while protecting the body from future damage.

Car flipping can be a rewarding way to turn a profit, but the secret lies in knowing which repairs are worth your time and money. By focusing on these five common repairs—windshield replacement, brake fixes, battery replacement, exhaust repairs, and paint touch-ups—you can add significant value to a car without breaking the bank. Whether you’re flipping cars as a side hustle or hoping to make it your full-time gig, mastering these repairs is key to boosting your success.


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