
Weird World Records Involving Cookies!

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Fresh baked cookies are a pleasure most of us are fond of, from the smell to the delicious texture, and the comfort of our favorite cookie flavors. Whether you like to bake your own or prefer to buy luxury cookies from Gimme Jimmys, cookies are a treat most of us start to love as kids, but which stays with us for life! Of course, like most special foods, there are some people who take loving cookies to a whole new level, even to the point of wanting to go down in history for being the best or fastest at making or eating them! The world records sphere is always something of a strange one to delve into, and as you might expect, weird cookie records are out there to learn about, or even challenge if you dare!
Here, we take a look at a few of them:

Cookie Decoration World Record

The world record for the most cookies decorated in an hour currently belongs to Amanda Cramer and her two daughters, Ember and Kaylee Perkins. Working as a team, the mom and her two girls managed to add sprinkles to an astonishing 1,864 cookies in a carefully timed 60 minute period. They live streamed the entire world record attempt online for world record fans to view.

The World Record for Eating Fortune Cookies and Reading Aloud Their Messages

One strange cookie related world record belongs to American Austin West, who decided to set a record for the most fortune cookies both eaten and read in one minute. This was no ordinary speed eating challenge, as Austin had no idea how long the messages inside each fortune cookie would be, and had to read the fortune aloud for the camera each time. He got through seven of the cookies in 60 seconds.

Fastest Time to Wolf Down a Pack of Oreos

Maybe we have all been guilty of finishing an entire pack of cookies to ourselves at one time or another, however Matthew Cohen decided to make a world record attempt at eating a 15.3 ounce pack of Oreos in the fastest possible time. It took him just one minute and 40.8 seconds to get through the pack. Speed eating is quite a popular way to set and challenge records, and is one form of competitive eating along with those challenges for eating very large quantities of food. It may sound pretty funny, but it is actually quite hard to do and can even be dangerous due to the risk of choking, so it takes some serious practice to be able to challenge a record like this!

5lbs of His Mom’s Cookies

In a final wacky cookie record, one Naader Reda celebrated Mother’s Day by filming himself eating 5lbs of his mom’s cookies, washed down with a gallon of milk. This amounted to 100 consecutively eaten cookies.

These are just some of the weird things people have decided to set records for involving the humble cookie! Are you tempted to challenge any of them?

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