
What Businesses Need to Consider Before Buying EVs

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In all honestly, it really is a brilliant move to finally swap out the petrol-guzzling fleet or a more modern vehicle like an EV. Actually, most EVs are fully secured which does mean you can worry a lot less about mishaps like a stolen car. But security to not, you still shouldn’t rush straight to a dealership to get an EV or even a whole fleet. But what exactly?

Well, there’s more to this decision than just going green and impressing your eco-conscious clients. So, to make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment, you need to do some homework. But what exactly? Well, let’s dive into what your business should consider before making the switch to EVs.

You’ll Have to Start By Assessing Your Fleet Needs

Before you start picking out those shiny new EVs, it’s best to just go ahead and take a moment to assess your fleet’s specific needs. You’ll need to Consider the type of vehicles your business currently uses and how they are utilised. Are your vehicles primarily used for long-distance travel, or do they stick to city driving?

Now, you can definitely expect that EVs excel in urban environments where stop-and-go traffic is the norm, as they regenerate energy when braking. However, if your business involves long-distance travel, you’ll need to consider the range of the EVs you’re eyeing. Make sure the vehicles you choose can handle the distance without constant stops for recharging, which could slow down your operations. Plus, are there reliable charging stations during long distances anyway?

Understand the Total Cost of Ownership

While EVs can be more expensive upfront than their petrol counterparts, they often offer lower operating costs over time. But don’t just focus on the sticker price—look at the total cost of ownership. Sure, it’s so tempting to look at only the upfront cost, but that’s really not enough.

So, this includes fuel savings, maintenance costs, tax incentives, and potential resale value. EVs generally have fewer moving parts, meaning less can go wrong, which could save you a bundle on maintenance. However, consider the lifespan of the battery and the cost of replacing it when the time comes.

Plan for EV Charger Installation

Here’s probably the biggest question: where and how are you going to charge these new electric members of your fleet? This isn’t just a matter of convenience—it’s crucial to the success of your EV transition. You’ll need to think about EV charger installation at your business premises. How many charging stations will you need? Will they be fast chargers or standard ones? Installing chargers can be a significant expense, but it’s a necessary one if you want your fleet to be ready to go at all times.

Evaluate Infrastructure and Range Anxiety

One of the biggest concerns people have with EVs is range anxiety—the fear that the vehicle won’t have enough charge to reach its destination. Everyone has used electronics before, and they know you can’t push the limits like you can with things that run on petrol.

So, for businesses, this is a valid concern, especially if your operations cover large areas. It was mentioned earlier about charging stations while driving, and that’s the best point that you’ll need to look out for.

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2 thoughts on “What Businesses Need to Consider Before Buying EVs

  • thanks for sharing

  • Thank you for sharing this

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