
What to Check If You’re Thinking About Moving to the Suburbs

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Deciding to move is no small step and adjusting to your new surroundings can be a bit challenging. Regardless of whether you’re moving just down the street or to another continent, this process can be quite overwhelming if you don’t prepare properly. So, if your life path is taking you from the city to the suburbs, take a look below to get a better idea of some things that you must check out before you decide to do this.

Consider the size of the home

One of the most common reasons why people decide to move to the suburbs is to have more space for their family. While small city apartments are enough for single people and young couples, some bigger families could benefit from a larger home. In the suburbs, every kid could have their own room, huge outdoor areas are great for pets and there is more personal space and freedom, in general. So, before you pick a house, put all your needs on paper and see which properties meet these requirements.

Be aware of the price of the property

In addition to providing families with more spacious homes, the suburbs are also much more affordable when compared to big cities. However, while the properties themselves might be less expensive, you should keep in mind that bigger houses require more maintenance which also means that the bills and taxes are higher. On the other hand, an analysis by Zillow compared the cost of suburban and urban living in the U.S. and you can use it to see whether moving to the suburbs would actually be cost-effective for you.

Choose the neighborhood according to your lifestyle

Depending on where you live, you might have a wide variety of suburbs to choose from. The best approach here is to look for the characteristics of a certain neighborhood and see whether they fit your lifestyle. You should probably start by looking into the safety of the area, how family-friendly it is, how vivid the nightlife is, etc. What’s more, an Australian study showed that age plays a big role in the suburb choice. For instance, Millennials are more interested in finding an affordable space with lower rent or mortgage repayments than they are in being near the city center. For Baby Boomers, on the other hand, lower crime rates and living close to nature is desirable. Finally, Generation X is, above all else, looking for family-friendly areas to raise their children. Therefore, considering your lifestyle and everyday needs will be necessary in order to choose the right suburb.

Think about the commute

Other than your lifestyle, you also have to think about your place of work. How long of a commute are you willing to have? Can you spend an hour getting to your job every day? How well is the suburb you are considering connected to the city center and other suburbs? Can you take the bus or train or do you need your own car? All of these questions should be crucial when making your decision. For instance, you might have to pay more for gas, you might spend less time with your family, you might be stuck in traffic jams every day feeling bored or frustrated, and so on. However, there are also people who find the commute calming and a great way to catch up with the news or their favorite audiobook or podcast. On the other hand, if you’re leaving your job in the city and looking for something nearby, this should not be an issue.

Don’t neglect the educational institutions

Families moving to the suburbs should also look into the quality of the schools and the childcare options. While suburbs typically have public schools that are much better-rated than those in large cities, do keep in mind that not everyone’s standards are the same when it comes to education and research the institutions before deciding to move. Furthermore, if you and your partner will be leaving for work each day, someone will have to take care of the kids, which is why childcare is another important aspect of this. Will you find a nanny, look for a local daycare center or rely on the community of stay-at-home parents?

Keep in mind the potential lack of amenities

Living in a city comes with many perks that we take for granted but you should keep in mind that things are a bit different in the suburbs. Not all suburbs have shops and gas stations that are open 24/7. You might not have a store within walking distance and you’ll have to use your car. Perhaps there are no nearby sports centers that offer your preferred type of activity. Maybe the internet will be slower or you will not have a repair service at hand’s reach. However, there are suburbs that offer these things as well and those that have a town center where you can find these amenities – you just have to do your research properly.

Changing your living environment is not a small undertaking so make sure you do your homework thoroughly and look into the things we mentioned earlier in order to avoid a shock after you’ve moved.

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One thought on “What to Check If You’re Thinking About Moving to the Suburbs

  • The suburbs are good!

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