
Win a Teleflora Mother’s Day Bouquet US only ends 5/7

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Win a Beautiful Teleflora Mother’s Day

Bouquet For Your Mother

Sponsored by Teleflora Hosted by Mom Does Reviews

Since Mother’s do whatever it takes to unconditionally love their children, Teleflora has some beautiful new bouquets to honor those selfless moms.  Treat your mother to a beautiful bouquet as special as she is.  Your mom will love the fresh flowers that will arrive right at her front door.  She will enjoy the vivid blooms, and once they are gone, she will enjoy the lovely vase as a keepsake to treasure for years.  There are several amazing Teleflora Mother’s Day bouquets to ensure there is one that is perfect for every mother out there.

About Teleflora

Teleflora is very different then other online flower companies.  They do not ship flowers from another state, which will arrive dehydrated and sad.  Instead they use the expertise of local professional florists.  Once the order is in, a florist near you, artistically arranges the flowers using the freshest flowers available.  Then the gift is personally delivered to your door, on the same day in most cases.  Your bouquet will be fresh, beautiful, and ready to be enjoyed.

Great Mother’s Day Choices

You will win a stunning bouquet worth up to $75, with free delivery.  Since Teleflora has such amazing options, it will be a real hard choice to narrow it down to just one for your mother.  Teleflora’s Winged Beauty is delivered in a pink Winged Beauty Vase that has a hummingbird medallion hanging on the vase.  Then it is full of light pink roses, lavender spray roses, and other lovely flowers in pinks and purples.  Another great choice is Teleflora’s Country Beauty which arrives in a stoneware crock that has hand-glazed crackle finish with a cute little etched bee.  This arrangement is bursting with hot pink roses, pink spray roses, as well as pops of yellow from carnations and mini carnations.  Besides these two Teleflora offers many other beautiful options.

One lucky reader will win a bouquet worth up to $75

Giveaway ends on May 7, 2018

Giveaway is open to US only, Ages 18+

Enter daily for more chances to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

18 thoughts on “Win a Teleflora Mother’s Day Bouquet US only ends 5/7

  • The one with the most lavender!

  • Teleflora’s Country Beauty Bouquet looks beautiful and bright!

  • My mom would LOVE Teleflora’s Possibly Pink flower arrangement most of all! Thanks for the chance!

  • My mom loves the color purple so any with that color flowers she would love.

  • Teleflora’s Spring Speckle Bouquet, my mom loves purple flowers

  • My mom would love any of the bouquets! But I love the crock “vase”! So different!

  • I’d love any of them!

  • Teleflora’s All Eyes On You Bouquet is stunning! My mommy would love it!

  • My mom would definitely love any of them but i think she might prefer the Country Beauty. She enjoys crocks and pitchers and she likes bees.

  • the Teleflora’s All Eyes On You Bouquet.

  • Any bouquet with stargazer lilies.

  • My mom would really love the Teleflora’s Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses. That holder is so happy!!

  • M y mother would love the Winged Beauty Vase .

  • Teleflora’s Grand Sunshine Bouquet!

  • My mom would love the All Eyes On You Bouquet.

  • I think she would like the Teleflora’s All Eyes On You Bouquet.

  • I would love to give her either the deluxe or premium version of the Desert Sunrise bouquet OR the premium Polka Dots and Posies. They’re both gorgeous!

  • I would like to give the Country Beauty bouquet to my daughter. They all are so beautiful.

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