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Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary Book Review & Giveaway #WinslowScarecrow

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Steven Bowling. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. I received a free copy of this book in order to share my own opinion.

We are officially in the month of all things “Spooky”. While things might cause fright during Halloween season, not all things have to be so scary. Let me tell you about a great new release from author Stephen G. Bowling – Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary.


Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

He’s friendly as can be! But when his kindness causes a stir, can this cornfield guardian use his noggin to make everyone happy?

Winslow, the scarecrow, wouldn’t hurt a fly. Full of song and wearing a silly hat, the bespectacled fellow stretches out his arms and welcomes the crows to rest their weary wings. But he’s shocked when the other straw-filled-scarers get upset because they think he’s falling down on the job. Listening to his brightly dressed pals argue over what is proper; he thinks hard to come up with a better way. And hoping to find an agreeable solution, he spies the fallen corn on the ground going to waste, and the kernel of an idea begins to sprout. Can Winslow protect the farmer’s crops and still welcome the rascally rooks?

Winslow Scarecrow is a charming children’s picture book. If you or your child like resolving conflict, seeing problems from all sides, and bringing people together, then you’ll adore Stephen G Bowling’s beautifully illustrated tale. Buy Winslow Scarecrow to be a ray of sunshine today!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR, Stephen G. Bowling

Stephen G. Bowling is an award-winning author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Much like Peter Pan, Steve never wanted to grow up. Or rather, while he didn’t mind getting older, he never wanted to lose the child-like enchantment of imagination and wonder. Creating colorful worlds and stories for children has allowed Steve to preserve his own imagination while sharing the joy of learning with children worldwide. He currently has six children’s books published, and his books have also won several illustration awards.

Steve has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Brandeis University. He is an entrepreneur who has worked on and holds several U.S. Patents. He heads The Prometheum Foundation, a non-profit philosophical organization that helps teach students critical and analytical thinking, freedom of thought, and entrance into the marketplace of ideas. He is a lifelong weightlifter, an avid student of history and philosophy, and fascinated with astrophysics.

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What a joy it was to read this book. I personally have a weird sense of wanting to make things rhyme all the time and this book fit perfectly into my weird, wonderful wheelhouse.

We learn that Winslow is not like the other Scarecrows in his field. He wants to show the softer, kinder side of scarecrows. In the end, Winslow finds a delightful way to merge his world of fellow scarecrows with his desire to be kind to the crows themselves. You’ll have to read the book to find out more, trust me you won’t be disappointed. You also don’t need to be a child to enjoy the book, although it is great for littles.

The book is available for purchase on Amazon in paperback, hardcover or for Kindle. It is ideal for  children ages 4+ and a delightful read at 34 colorful pages.


Enter for a chance to win one of six prizes! Four people will win a paperback of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary and two lucky winners will win the grand prize of Winslow Scarecrow, Grandma’s House is Haunted, and Calvin the Christmas Tree!


Winslow Scarecrow: Book Giveaway


Be sure to check out the entire book tour for other reviews and author interviews 

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

2 thoughts on “Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary Book Review & Giveaway #WinslowScarecrow

  • Thank you for sharing

  • This looks really good. Thanks for sharing.


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