
10 Things New Employees Look For In A Small Business

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Many small businesses worry about providing a great customer experience, and while this is vital for your company’s success, you cannot ignore what existing and future employees need, too. As a small business, you might not have many employees because you don’t need them, but a few bright and passionate team members can help your company thrive.

However, you need to ensure that your business appeals to them just as much as they appeal to you. Failing to attract the best talent for your small business could make it difficult to grow and expand. So it’s worth knowing what new employees look for in a small business.


Leadership is one of the most crucial facets of any successful company. Being able to demonstrate leadership can immediately put your new employees at ease and recognize they have made the right decision to join your company because they will feel comfortable with your competence.

However, you need to find a balance between being a leader and a manager. You may need to adjust your approach and consider how some of your behavior or actions could impact your employees’ work. Try not to micromanage and do more leading than bossing around.


A forward-thinking business is always more appealing than one too set in its ways and unwilling to make positive changes. As the owner, you should always look for ways to improve your company and embrace the potential of new techniques, operations, and technology.

You don’t have to adopt all new tech permanently, as this could disrupt more than its benefits, but being open to testing innovative approaches (and encouraging your employees to do the same) can make your company stand out as one that always has one eye on the future. One great place to start would be to use LiDAR obstacle detection sensors to make sure your team (and equipment) stays safe, for example.

Remote and Flexible Working

The current generation of workers will always prefer jobs that allow them to find a suitable work-life balance. Remote and flexible working hours can provide that, so unless your business cannot function without employees on the premises at all times, you should consider ways to make this policy possible.

Thankfully, there are many ways to achieve a productive workplace even with remote and flexible working. One huge UCC benefit is how the system enables communication between employees no matter where they are, while easy file management and sharing also enhance the experience for your team.

Sufficient Holidays and Benefits

As much as your new employees will want to work and hit the ground running, they also want to know about the benefits and vacation time. Companies that offer top job benefits are more likely to attract the best talent and keep their employees happy, so while you can’t be too relaxed or ambitious about what you can offer them, you should still try to give them as much vacation time and suitable benefits (like medical and dental insurance) as your small business budget will allow.

Fun and Challenging Company Culture

The company culture is often the difference between a good workplace and one where your employees can’t wait to leave. It should be fun but also challenging. You want to keep your team focused to prevent complacency, but you also want them to enjoy their time there. This process all comes down to the type of projects you have and how organized you are. No one wants to work for a disorganized company, so you may need to evaluate your processes to ensure a more streamlined experience.

A Great Office Atmosphere

Similarly, a positive environment is also essential for modern business. Companies with toxic atmospheres are less productive and experience higher employee turnover as many of the best team members abandon ship.

However, it can be challenging to establish a great office atmosphere. You can’t solve office morale problems by installing a ping pong table or painting the walls a bright and crazy color. Instead, consider why the office isn’t as positive as you’d like. Are there any conflicts between employees? Are they paid fairly? Does your management style impact their creativity and productivity?

Professional Development

Although some employees are happy to reach a stage in their career and cruise, others want to scale the highest possible heights. You can offer them the chance to achieve these goals by providing avenues that encourage professional development.

While you might lack funding or budget to pay for their MBA, you can still provide on-the-job training that will prepare them for more senior roles and responsibilities. Your employees will love the challenge and the experience, which will make them more confident and could boost their ambition.

Clear and Effective Safety Procedures

One of the biggest red flags to take note of when starting a new company is their lack of safety protocols and standard procedures. No matter what type of industry you’re working in, it’s important for any small business to adhere to safety guidelines and show evidence of risk assessments in all departments. This is not just from an insurance standpoint, but it also ensures that employees aren’t in any unnecessary danger whilst carrying out their job on work premises. Whether the company has specialist Construction Site Radios or safety clothing that needs to be worn at all times, there will be different considerations to make depending on the industry. If you’re a new employee being hired into a small business make sure you speak with your supervisor about any relevant safety procedures if you have concerns.

Sustainability Campaigns

The modern employee doesn’t just want to work in a positive environment. They want to see your business is dedicated to meaningful causes. These causes could be social justice or equality, but they might also want to focus on the environment.

Launching an eco-friendly workplace campaign is a fantastic way to impress new employees but you also need to make sure that your campaigns matter. Don’t just do it to say you’re doing it as this could lead to accusations of greenwashing.

Fulfilling Promises

Many managers make promises to employees to entice them to accept job offers yet these promises are sometimes broken or simply forgotten about. This issue can create distrust among your employees, so make sure you fulfill any promises you make.


You can also link empty promises to your communication skills. Too many managers struggle to adequately explain what they need or they avoid highlighting issues because they aren’t sure how to approach them. This is not only detrimental to your employees and their development, but it can also harm your company.

You should learn how to communicate more efficiently by working on your leadership skills. Managers can also be more considerate of what they say and how they say it. Opt for constructive criticism when necessary and only praise in public rather than scolding an employee who makes a mistake.

The Right Place

You want your new employees to feel like they have come to the right place, and these tips should help you create a company culture and generate an atmosphere that is welcoming, friendly, and professional. The more comfortable your employees feel at work (whether in the office or remotely), the more successful your company will be.

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