
1ByOne Apple Watch and iPhone Stand Perfect for the Homebody or Constant Traveler

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With all of the travel and work that I do each year, I find that my collection of portable batteries, chargers and cords keeps growing and growing. I try to keep my comings and goings relevant, up-to-date and social. With that, I need to always have access to charge my phone, laptop, watch and more. With the 1ByOne Apple Watch and iPhone Stand, I love that I can now stay charged everywhere I go.iPhone and Watch StandThis stand holds my iPhone, my iWatch and even has extra USB ports in the back for me to charge things like my camera, portable batteries and more. The stand is constructed with high quality aluminum alloy and shaped to sit nicely on my nightstand or dresser while traveling. 1byOne Apple StandThe 1byone Apple Watch Charging Stand is made for the Apple Watch and perfectly suitable to iPhone 6/6s Plus, iPhone 6/6s, iPhone 5/5c/5s/SE, iPad Air/Air 2, iPad mini 1/2/3, iPad Pro, iPod Nano, and any other electronic devices charged using USB such as Android phones and tablets, cameras, and MP3 players, and Bluetooth headphones. 4 items charging

This stand will save you tons of money and time with individual cords, batteries and docking stations. This all-in-one inclusive charging station travels with me wherever I go, whether it is work, out of town or at home, I can always be charged and ready to go. Apple Watch and iPhone Stand -01

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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