
4 Efficient Ways to Lose Weight That Are Suitable for Injury-prone People

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Whether you’re just getting older and have noticed that you tend to get injured more often now or you’ve always been someone who gets hurt easily, this problem presents some unique challenges when it comes to exercise and losing weight. You want to drop some pounds but when working out the wrong way, each fresh injury, even a minor one, sets you back another week or month before you can continue.

It’s tough to meet your fitness goals when you keep being held back. Here are 4 efficient ways to lose weight while avoiding injuries.

8-Week HCG Diet

The high-intensive, low calorie diet known as HCG combines regular pills or droplets with a heavily restricted 500 calorie dietary restriction per day for 8 weeks. Skipping breakfast, when on the HCG diet, you’ll eat twice a day. While you can eat white fish, chicken breasts, and veal prepared by grilling or boiling it, you’ll have to forego any salmon or tuna until after the 8 weeks are up. Sugar substitutes are used to eliminate sugar entirely. Forms of butter, margarine and oils are avoided.

There are many types of HCG products, so it’s a good idea to consider the pros and cons of different brands at Going on a short-term diet is likely to help you jump start a weight loss goal in a first couple of months to build some momentum. From there, you can get onto something less strict and add some workouts to your week.

Walking to Jogging

When you are prone to getting injuries or you haven’t exercised in a while, then starting with a gentle walk is best. Build up to greater distances and faster walks. It’s better to build up the stamina first through longer walks and add speed later. Let your muscles and bone structure strengthen before putting additional strain on them by upping the tempo. This tends to avoid shin splints and stress fractures from not overdoing it. Later, when you feel ready, try transitioning from walking to running.

Ellipticals Reduce Impact Damage

Using an elliptical machine in a gym doesn’t feel natural right away. It Just feels weird to stand on a platform and move using the motion that the elliptical equipment promotes. However, what it does do is avoid any impact damage on the joints that running on a treadmill or outside on grass or concrete promotes. The relevant joint is put through the full range of motion during the exercise without the jarring effect of the leg fall and landing on a hard surface can cause with knee problems, if not right away, then quite often later in life.

Rowing Machines as a Complete Program

Rowing machines work well to exercise various muscle groups while offering different programmed routines to suit beginner to advanced rowers. Just like with spinning bikes, there’s plenty of range of motion and movement to burn through calories while putting far less strain on joints and bones.

When needing to lose weight or increase fitness without sustaining new injuries, different approaches much be taken to avoid setbacks. Along with the exercise mentioned, swimming is also an excellent way to use many different muscle groups while the buoyancy in the water helps to avoid injury. The trick is to pace yourself well in the early weeks and months of an exercise program to prevent overdoing it.

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One thought on “4 Efficient Ways to Lose Weight That Are Suitable for Injury-prone People

  • Good tips, I have MS and my balance leaves me on the floor all the time. I walk as much as I can with an escort of course (my husband). I needed something that was relatively safe to do. Thanks so much!

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