
5 Interesting Facts About PEMF Therapy

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PEMF therapy is a fascinating therapy option. With few to no side effects, no real risk factors, and plenty of research to support its efficacy, PEMF therapy is a truly incredible intervention. In addition to all of these benefits, PEMF therapy has a few interesting facts up its proverbial sleeves. These include:

1. PEMF Therapy Started Over 100 Years Ago

When you hear the term “electromagnetic energy,” you probably don’t think of life 100 years ago. Nevertheless, the origin of PEMF therapy is actually rooted in the origin of electromagnetic fields as a whole. After their development, electromagnetic fields were pounced upon by scientists and medical professionals alike, all of them eager to find an applied usage for the discovery. Eventually, this led to PEMF therapy.

2. PEMF Therapy Targets Numerous Ailments

Unlike most therapy modalities, PEMF therapy can be used to address numerous different maladies in a single session. Rather than having a single pill for each and every symptom, PEMF therapy allows you to target pain, circulation, inflammation, and more within one simple mat or wand.

3. PEMF Therapy Is Used As An Equine Therapy

As if the research regarding PEMF therapy weren’t impressive enough, according to PEMF Advisor, PEMF therapy can also be used as a therapy for horses and other animals. Indeed, since the 1970s, PEMF therapy has been used as a way to help horses recover more quickly from sprains and other injuries. PEMF therapy has been credited with helping animals feel less anxious and depressed, in addition to improving pain.

4. PEMF Machines Do Not Add Anything to Your Body that Your Body Does Not Already Produce

The side effects that typically come along with supplements, medications, and other interventions are usually due to the foreign nature of these items. PEMF therapy, as an energy therapy, does not introduce anything foreign to the body. Instead, it focuses on providing the body with energy—energy that the body is capable of producing itself. PEMF therapy is useful not because it imparts something that your body cannot get elsewhere, but because it helps your body carry out its own functions and processes by increasing the energy available to do so.

5. The FDA Has Approved PEMF Therapy for Several Uses

Although individual PEMF therapy machines have not been approved by the FDA, the therapy itself has received several FDA approvals. The therapy has been approved for use in treating treatment-resistant depression, bone fractures, muscle stimulation, and more. While these are some of the FDA-approved treatments, there is far more that PEMF therapy can be used to reach. From general pain reduction to increased circulation, PEMF therapy is a useful intervention for general health and runs counter to very few conditions.

Learn More About PEMF

Ultimately, PEMF therapy is best investigated by using it yourself. You can do this by renting a machine or locating a nearby clinic that offers PEMF therapy. Many users report experiencing a change in symptoms within only one use, and most see significant results within 4-6 weeks. If you are interested in the effects of PEMF therapy on chronic health conditions, locate your nearest PEMF therapy clinic today.

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2 thoughts on “5 Interesting Facts About PEMF Therapy

  • I would like to give this a try. Thanks for the great article.

  • I would like to give this a try. Thanks for the great article.

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