
5 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

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It is so hard to believe that it is already almost May!  Did you realize Mother’s Day is right around the corner?  Whether you are a mom or have a mother in your life, you are probably trying to figure out what to get mom or what to ask for from your husband or kids.  Here are a few ideas!

  1. Jewelry – Of course jewelry is always a great choice.  I know that I love to receive jewelry that says ‘Mom’ or has my daughter’s name or initials on it.  Personalized gifts are the best.
  2. Perfume – It’s always nice to get a bottle of perfume.  It’s something most of us use every day.  Luckily there are lots of discounted perfumes available on the market that are high quality but won’t break the bank.
  3. Flowers – Some people like receiving a bouquet of roses, some like flowers they can plant in their garden.  If you’re asking for flowers, make sure to clarify which ones you would like.  If you’re getting them for mom, get ones that you know she would love.
  4. Event Tickets – Whether it’s for a movie, play, or even a sports game, you usually can never go wrong with tickets to a favorite event.  Make sure to get a pair of them, that way you can go together and make memories!
  5. Handmade Gifts – Those handmade gifts that kids make in school are pretty much the most popular gifts around.  I know when I was growing up, my mom absolutely loved to receive them.  I am sure your mom will love it, too, even if you are a grown up “kid” now!  If your mom is now a grandma, I’m sure you will get bonus points if your child makes the gift!

There are so many other gift ideas available, but these are some of my favorites.  What do you plan on getting mom this year?

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

2 thoughts on “5 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

  • Thank you for such great ideas. I have to come up with TWO (my wifes birthday and mothers day is a week apart!)

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