
6 Tips for Getting Your Home Holiday-Ready

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With the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to start getting your home holiday ready. Soon you will be entertaining guests, some local and some from out of town. Don’t be caught off-guard when that well-meaning friend or neighbor stops over with a fruitcake or Christmas cookies when a little effort now can make your home a literal holiday extravaganza.

1. Begin with a Thorough Cleaning

While you don’t need to spend days cleaning your home, you will want to make sure it’s well dusted and vacuumed. Also, remember to pay special attention to the kitchen and dining areas because nothing dilutes the pleasure of a holiday meal shared with company in a room that is anything but sanitary. This usually means that it’s time to clean the stove, oven, and refrigerator, but that needs to be done anyway. Right? If you find that you are lacking anything, you will have to find time to read a few reviews on anything from air filters to new fluffy pillows. The sooner you order them, the quicker they will arrive!

2. Put Up Decorations and the Tree

Once you have your cleaning done, it’s time to decorate for the season. Pull out the decorations from the attic and get that tree up as soon as possible before guests start arriving. However, don’t forget that the outside of your home needs to be festive as well, so add a few lighted decorations there as well.

3. Add the Scents of the Season

These you can add in literally any room in the home, but they are especially important in the living room, bathroom, and guest rooms. The most common holiday scents are pine, cinnamon, apple, and the aromas of things like snickerdoodle cookies. The more senses you titillate, the easier it will be to spark delight in the season.

4. Keep the Music Flowing

Speaking of senses, it’s also important to keep holiday music playing softly in the background. From traditional Christmas carols to popular holiday tunes recorded year after year, that music will help ignite the spirit of Christmas and keep everyone in a festive mood.

5. Keep the Fire Burning

There is nothing quite as cozy as a fire burning in the fireplace. If you don’t have a real fireplace, you can find an artificial one that has all the appeal of the real thing. These come in various sizes and although most emulate real fires burning from logs, some provide heat as well. Why not read a few of the reviews mentioned above while you are at it to see which artificial fireplaces are the most realistic and have all the features you are looking for?

6. Add a Bit of Holiday Cheer to the Guest Room

Remember those fluffy pillows mentioned above? Isn’t it time you checked out the guest room to see that everything is in tiptop shape? It’s very important to ensure you have clean and fluffy bed pillows for your guests that are free from the oils and scents of other guests’ heads. Why not add a packet of seasonal scent under the pillowcases as well? Of course, it might be good to check with your invited guests to make sure they are not adversely affected by perfumes and scents.

If there is any time of year we love the most, it would be the Christmas season. Although we eagerly await the warmth of summer, that doesn’t always kindle a spark of festivity and warmth quite like the holidays. Just remember to get everything done in time for you to get in a bit of fun as well. Make your home the most holiday-ready it’s ever been, and you will surely have that time to enjoy.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

3 thoughts on “6 Tips for Getting Your Home Holiday-Ready

  • Great list; it’s a holiday must to have decorations, music and scents of the season, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to do a thorough cleaning too!

  • I love Christmas decorating and baking.

  • Music always needs to be playing while cleaning and organizing! I really need to hire a maid for like the two weeks prior to a gathering at my house so they can help keep up with the clean upkeep while I try to get through everything else that needs to be done.

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