
7 Fun Activities for Students to Boost Their Well-Being

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Student life may be described by many as the best time of your life to embrace freedom and independence. But things can feel very different when you’re a student yourself. In fact, for many students, stress is a chronic issues that can keep them awake at night.

Balancing classes, assignments, and social life can leave your feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Naturally, there are crucial tips when it comes to time management, self-care, and healthy lifestyle choices. But, if this is not enough for you to reclaim your peace of mind, you may want to explore these 10 hobbies that can help you take a step back and relax.

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#1. Pilates

Pilates isn’t just about improving your physical strength and flexibility. It can also be fantastic for your well-being. The slow, controlled movements can help you relax as you learn to focus on your breathing techniques. It is important, of course, to pick a professional teacher, aka someone who’s completed the Pilates instructor training, to accompany you as you learn to relieve stress and improve your posture.

#2. Coloring

Coloring isn’t just for kids. It is a simple yet effective way to relax your mind. You may want to invest in a coloring book and some felt tips as this can promote mindfulness and anxiety relief. Coloring allows you to tap into your creative side without needing to make up something new.

Plus, who doesn’t love the feeling of completing a beautiful masterpiece?

#3. Journaling

Journaling, the art of writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can be therapeutic. Additionally, many students can gradually improve skills that are relevant to their academic paths through journaling, such as gaining more confidence in writing, improving their memory, and increasing self-motivation by maintaining a dialogue about your goals.

#4. Crafting

Whether you opt for knitting, crocheting, or even painting, craft hobbies can be a game-changer. They let you unleash your creativity and improve your mood. There is always a sense of achievement and satisfaction that you can help shave off some of the daily stress.

#5. Team sports

Joing a team sport, such as volleyball, football, basketball, etc., can be an excellent way to stay active and connected. Team sports create a sense of purpose and camaraderie that can help students stay mentally balanced.

Besides, it’s a great way to combine physical exercise and friendly competition, ticking all the boxes for mental and physical health.Unsplash – CC0 License

#6. Dance classes

Can you dance your way to happiness? Many studies believe that you can. Dance has the power to truly make you happy, releasing endorphins that  trigger a feeling of comfort and relaxation. So, this is your sign to join a dance class and unleash your new joie de vivre!

#7. Video games

While gaming is often vilified, video games can be a great way to unwind and de-stress. Gaming provides a unique escape from reality, allowing you to challenge your problem-solving skills in a safe environment. Additionally, gamers also discover that they can build resilience to day-to-day hectic pace and stress factors through their hobbies. In other words, there’s more to gain than you think in gaming!

Managing your well-being as a student is no easy task, but the skills you learn during that period of your life can accompany you further. As such, developing healthy coping mechanisms now is a strength for your future tomorrow!

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