
7 Tips to Maintain your Bike for a Worry-Free and Durable Riding Experience

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Who doesn’t want to keep their bikes in good condition?

Buying a bike is one thing and taking care of it to last long is another. It is the general tendency for many people not to maintain or care for their bikes after a few months or years of purchase. Ignoring your bike’s maintenance makes it prone to wear and tear. When you give a blind eye to such minor repairs, they may shape into major ones, thus leading to accidents and other mishaps.

It is best to maintain your bike from time to time. We have listed down some tips to help you care for your bike.

Check Bike Tyres Regularly

First and foremost, keep a check on your bike’s tyres regularly. A thorough look at the condition of your bike and air pressure is essential to ride safely. Ensure that the pressure of tyre air is maintained at the levels recommended by the manufacturer.

Check the tyres for possible cuts and scrapes, which may otherwise lead to undesirable things like a tyre blowout. Do not forget to check the treads of your tyres at least once a week.

Check Engine Oil

Besides checking the condition of the tyre, it is equally vital to check the engine oil. Engine oil plays a crucial role in the smooth operation and maintenance of your bike. Keeping a regular check on the engine oil helps you maintain the correct level.

Keep a timely eye on the oil leakages. Because of the presence of carbon deposits, the oil will thicken, thus creating a drag in the movement of engine internals.

Keep the Air Filter Clean

The dusty conditions of the road may clog up the filter in very less time. Hence, it is essential to keep the filter clean.

Always change the air filter at recommended levels. We also advise you to increase the cleaning frequency, especially if you take out your bike in dusty road conditions now and then.

Cross Check Clutch Adjustment

In a bike, the role of a clutch is to change the gears at regular intervals. One of the most frequently used parts must remain in good shape. You must adjust the clutch correctly to enjoy the right amount of free play.

Do not tighten your clutch too much, for an over tightened clutch may cause it to slip without your notice and increase fuel consumption.

Maintain the Battery

Your bike’s battery requires periodic maintenance to ensure a hassle-free and long life. If required, topping up the battery with distilled water is highly recommended.

Examine for leakages from time to time and check for the battery’s overall condition. The bike should be clean and free from battery leakages. If you haven’t used your motorcycle for a long time, ensure that the battery should be kept fully charged.

Maintain the Brakes

Always keep a close eye on the condition of the brakes. Both conditions, such as too tight or loose brakes, are dangerous situations. Thus, ensure that the brakes are spaced properly. The requirement for tightening the brakes may vary from person to person.

If you constantly hear a screeching sound while using the brakes, it is advisable to change them. The screeching sound is the result of a lack of oil.

Clean the Surface

To maintain the overall condition of your bike, pay attention to the external body of your bike. Clean your bike using water and cleaning solutions from time to time.

Before cleaning, ensure that the ignition switch unit, silencer, and HT coil are covered with plastic sheets. Park your bike near the shade so that it isn’t exposed to direct sunlight.


Replacing the old parts of your bike with new ones is an important part of maintaining it in the long run. You can buy bike parts and accessories from MXstore. This platform assures both good quality products with affordable prices.

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One thought on “7 Tips to Maintain your Bike for a Worry-Free and Durable Riding Experience

  • This must be for motorcycles, which I have never owned because I think they are really dangerous! It also helps to maintain your regular bike, as it can have problems if not. One thing I always do is make sure the tires are not going flat, and the chain doesn’t rust.

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