
Back To School Red Apple Rice Krispies Cake Recipe

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Send your kids back to school this year with a twist on the traditional apple for their teacher.  Check out this fun, creative and simple recipe to make bright, colorful and delicious Red Apple Rice Krispy Cakes

Apples 2-1

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Back To School Red Apple Rice Krispies Cake Recipe
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Rice Krispies Apple Cakes
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6
This recipe will yield a 9 x 13 pan (approximately 6 apples)
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
  • Two 10 oz. bags of mini marshmallows
  • 10 cups Rice Krispies cereal
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ cup ready to spread frosting (I used pink cherry but you can use any color or flavor because it will be covered by red sprinkles)
  • Red sprinkles
  • Brown sprinkles
  • Mint leaves
  • Optional: cookie pop sticks
  1. Line a 9x13 pan with foil and spray with Pam. Set aside.
  2. In a large sauce pan, melt the butter over low heat.
  3. And the marshmallows to the melted butter, stirring constantly.
  4. Once the marshmallows are melted, remove from heat and stir in the cereal and salt until well-coated.
  5. Using a rubber spatula (spray with Pam ), transfer the cereal mixture to prepared pan and press down firmly and evenly.
  6. Allow the Rice Krispies to cool in the pan completely.
  7. Once cooled, cut out 6 apple shapes with an apple cookie cutter.
  8. Apply a thin layer of ready to spread frosting on each apple shape.
  9. Sprinkle red sprinkles on the apple.
  10. Sprinkle brown sprinkles on the stem.
  11. Add a mint leaf by pressing firmly into the apple (the marshmallow helps it stick).
  12. Optional: add cookie pop sticks to make red apple Rice Krispie pops.
  13. ENJOY!

When they are done, wrap them up in a color cellophane baggie and send off to school for all of your kids teachers. They will love the smile and the teachers will absolutely love the taste and kind gesture.

Apples 2-2

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

3 thoughts on “Back To School Red Apple Rice Krispies Cake Recipe

  • oh these are darlin’ ! I’ve used dinosaur cutouts and I love not having to fire up the oven. I’d love to try this!!

  • These are cute, definitely something I would love to try. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

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