
Berry Good Giveaway Hop ~ Enter to Win $15 Amazon Gift Card

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Berry Good Giveaway Hop


It’s the beginning of an exciting summer season. Start the season off right with our latest giveaway hop with many chances to enter and win fun prizes!

It’s Free At Last and so many other great blogs are VERY EXCITED to share this great opportunity with YOU! 

***The Giveaway***

1 winner will receive a $15 Amazon Gift Card

Giveaway is open to Worldwide Residents, ages 18+ years of age (limited to one entrant per household).

The giveaway ends 06/15/24.

Simply follow the Rafflecopter entry form below for chance to win.

Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

54 thoughts on “Berry Good Giveaway Hop ~ Enter to Win $15 Amazon Gift Card

  • I really like the weather and go to the beach during this time of year.

  • I enjoy planting flowers in my backyard this time of year. We plant later than other parts of the country due to our cooler temps.

  • The Warmer Weather

  • the warmer weather

  • I love all the fresh fruit and vegetables.

  • two of my daughters have june birthdays!

  • I love spending time with my grandson since school is out for the summer.

  • I love spending time with my grandson because school is out for the summer.

  • I love the warmer weather and more hours of daylight!

  • I like that my tomato and pepper plants are beginning to thrive because the weather is warmer.

  • I like the nice weather

  • My favorite thing this month is planting my garden.

  • Spending every weekend at the cabin!

  • I love that my grandsons will be getting out of school and more time with them!

  • I like the long days and nice weather.

  • My favorite thing is both my daughter’s birthdays!

  • Oh, the kids are out of school and it. Is. YARD SALE SEASON!!!

  • I love that the strawberry plants are producing in full force usually this month.

  • The fresh fruit.

  • I love the warmer weather.

  • Milder weather that’s not too hot or too cold

  • Start of summer!

  • Love the warm weather that leads to daily floating in the pool.

  • My favorite thing about June is that my favorite hiking trails are accessible again now that the snow has (mostly) finally melted!

    • Seems everyone is happy for the warm days. Not me deep south is deep fried already and i work in this heat. So I’m not a huge fan of summer.

  • Summer reading programs have started!

  • Normally the weather but the weather has not been great so far

  • I love all the blooming flowers.

  • It usually gets pretty quiet here as all the visitors head for cooler weather

  • My husband celebrates his birthday, and it is a month of getting together with friends.

  • I love that I can finally get out on the beach: walking, sitting & reading summer books!

  • I love that it is gardening season here!

  • hot weather

  • My favorite thing is bright, clear days that aren’t too hot, yet.

  • the end of the school year

  • I like the weather.

  • I love the weather in June, perfect!
    Not too hot not too cold.

  • I love the weather and the gardening. thank you

  • I love that the weather is nice and the pool is open.

  • I like that the weather is warmer and everything is green!

  • I’ll be meeting one of my favorite celebs

  • I love it’s starts to get slower here in Florida

  • Thank you for hosting this

  • What I love most about June is our wedding anniversary is coming up- our 26th!

  • I like the weather.

  • I like the warmer weather and workng in my garden

  • Thanks for the giveaway; I like that it is summer this month. 🙂

  • I enjoy swimming in our pool.

  • Taking walks at the park in the evening.

  • Working in my garden.

  • That it’s getting warmer!

  • My favorite about this month, my birthday 🙂

  • I love that it’s not too hot in June here where we live and everything is still green and pretty outside.

  • my favorite thing is the weather is nice and I can garden

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