
Capture the Flag and Magenta Expansion Set by Starlux Games

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As we are into Spring, and Summer is just weeks away, now is a good time to enjoy some outdoor fun and games with family and friends. One of our favorite brands, Starlux Games, has a great game that is engaging, active, and tons of fun – Capture the Flag!

Starlux Games, creates engaging glow-in-the-dark games that motivate kids to put aside their screens and interact with each other in real life, in real time and in the great outdoors. Their glow based outdoor games—inspired by classic group activities—are designed to be played outside in the evenings, just at the time when other options are scarce and kids are more apt to turn to tech for their entertainment.

Capture the Flat is a classic game that people have played for over 90 years – but adapted for today’s generation using glow-in-the-dark LED lights!

Each kit includes 25 battery-powered, reusable lights that transform playing fields and players into glowing teams of blue and green. Complete with lit jail markers, territory lights, light-up wristbands and glowing crystals that serve as each team’s flag, this is truly a modern twist on a classic game.Starlux Games wants to help kids of all ages, and families as a whole, to get moving, get outside, get thinking and get them interacting! Team based games that get the whole family moving and enjoying the great outdoors are good for everyone’s body, mind and spirit!

PLUS you can use the kit for more than just one game! The glowing lights are designed to be played with 12 exciting game options such as Ghosts in the Graveyard, Fugitive and Ninja. The illustrated playing cards included in each set show how to play each variation.What it comes with:

  • Sixteen extra bracelets for additional players
  • For use with Capture the Flag REDUX; this is NOT a stand-alone item

All ages can play together — kids, teens & adults will enjoy this awesome icebreaker and game that develops teamwork, social skills and strategy! Intended for ages 8+ and from 4-20 PLAYERS

Now that I’ve introduced you to this fun game, let me tell you how you can have EVEN MORE FUN with the Magenta Expansion Pack!

Make your Capture the Flag REDUX a 3-way, 3-team competition and add four more lit up players; amp up the excitement of neighborhood games, youth group activities, family game nights.

Great for added visual variety, inclusiveness and a clear contrast to green and blue teams – perfect for neighborhood play or for retreats, summer camps, icebreakers and more.  Nine game pieces with bright light and all required batteries for 12+ hours of play (battery type CR1220).

NOT a stand-alone version of Capture the Flag REDUX; combine with standard Capture the Flag set or for user-created games. You can purchase both games together on Amazon

Starlux Games mission is to create ways for families and friends to engage with each other in active outdoor play that includes teamwork, strategy and lots of excitement.

Stay connected with Starlux Games and see what exciting and new games are released.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

2 thoughts on “Capture the Flag and Magenta Expansion Set by Starlux Games

  • This looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

  • Looks cool

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