Holiday Gift GuideKidsReviews

Gamesformotion Chocolate Edition Games #Review

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Chocolate Edition Games

Who here loves playing board games?  And who loves chocolate?  Did you know there are now board games with chocolate playing pieces?! (I bet I have your attention now, don’t I?)  I didn’t either until I was introduced to Gamesformotion!

Chocolate Edition Candy LandGamesformotion is a Netherlands based company.  They create tailor-made games for any kind of purpose, including advertising and education.  They also produce popular, well-known branded games as well.

Chocolate Edition Guess WhoGamesformotion has come out with unique chocolate versions of some of our favorite beloved games – Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Twister Scrabble, Pictionary, Clue, Twister, Battleship, Mr. Potato Had, and Memory.  They have the same essential features as their famous counterparts; the only different is that their cards or letter tiles have been replaced with the finest Belgian milk chocolate encased within printed wrappers.

Chocolate Edition Monopoly

Monopoly _Classic_packshot_UK_compleetThe chocolate edition games became available for purchase just this month at mass retail stores such as Target, CVS, Kmart, Amazon, Meijer, Fred Meyer, Bed Bath and Beyond, select SuperValu stores, as well as select smaller distributors.  The prices for these start out at only $9.99.

Chocolate Edition ScrabbleWho wouldn’t love to play games and end up being able to eat their playing pieces?!  These are a great addition under the tree this Christmas.  Get your hands on them, attempt not to eat the chocolate pieces before hand, and after your loved one opens them Christmas morning, spend that afternoon having fun and playing!

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