
Create Fun Shaped Foods with Tiny Bites Food Shears

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Do you have a fussy eater in your household? Getting them to eat the proper foods they need to develop and grow into strong adults can be challenging at times. Tiny Bites helps make food time fun and easy.
These food shears are made of a stainless steel blade giving you easy ability to cut food into bite-sized portions for anyone.


These shears are perfect to create fun shaped foods for their lunchbox. You can also take foods to make them smaller portions and reduce chocking hazards, especially for tinier hands. Here are just a few ways from endless possibilities you can create with Tiny Bites Food Shears.

The shears are equipped with an on-blade ruler to allow you to perfectly measure and cute each individual bites of food. They are BPA free and are portable. They have a cover to allow you to take them anywhere, that way you can enjoy bite-sized portions even when dining out or attending a party.

Tiny Bites food shears are available at major retailers including Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond and online at Amazon. Pick up several pair to keep them at the office, in your camper and home.

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