
Sit Comfortable While Working with Cush Comfort Memory Foam Seat Cushion

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Working at a desk all day, day after day, can be hard on my back, my legs, even my feet. I try to shift and move as best I can, but my seat never seems to provide the comfort I am looking for to focus on my work. I find myself standing up, shifting, moving to put one leg under me, then the other, but I sometimes feel as restless sitting in the chair as I have been sleeping.

Cush ComfortI get tired of having such stiffness in my body after sitting for any period of time. That has changed now that I have been introduced to Cush Comfort. Providing instant relief, it has a Coccyx cut-out area in the rear that helps suspend the tailbone. This is especially comforting to me, as it helps relieve the numbness and tingling I feel in my legs and feet. I love that it offers pressure point support and keeps me comfortable and alert while working.Cush Comfort

It comes with a non-slip bottom to keep the cushion firmly in place in my chair so I am not slipping around, making it more uncomfortable. The unique, ergonomically shaped cushion “hugs” your rear providing full support. It has even helped improve my posture while sitting down. It is made of memory foam so it will never shrink or flatten after repeated use like other cushions are known to do.Cush Comfort Details Available online at both the website and Amazon, you will want to purchase several for your home and office chairs. Right now you can save an extra 10% off using promo code “ClubCush

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

2 thoughts on “Sit Comfortable While Working with Cush Comfort Memory Foam Seat Cushion

  • Oh my husband needs something like this at work! He’s always complaining about sitting all day!

    • Tiffany try us out, we would love your feedback. use the discount code to receive 10% off. Cush is a small company that likes to make your tush happy!

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