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Draw Jammies #FAMChristmas

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Draw Jammies #FAMChristmas

Craft gifts are a favorite of mine. It is always fun to have a finished product to enjoy – plus, doing crafts together always make for fun memories. With Draw Jammies, you get a fun pair of pajamas that your child has designed and colored themselves!

draw jammiesWith your Draw Jammies you receive a set of blue or pink jammies, along with 6 scented markers, 3 stencil sheets, and 3 glow pens.The pajams are soft and available in all kids sizes. The scented markers are fun because, well, they’re scented! The glow pens make for added fun because everything is always fun when it glows! I love that there are stencils included to help give inspiration to designs.

The best part about Draw Jammies – besides that you get to draw on your pajamas? You get to draw on them again and again after each wash! Wash your Draw Jammies like any other set of pajamas, and your kids can create a new design!


Draw Jammies are a fun item in my book because they appeal to both boys and girls, are suitable for kids of any age, and they encourage creativity. By being able to use the colored markers or glow pens along with the stencils and being able to create a new design night after night, kids are sure to find Draw Jammies to be fun!

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