
Elevate Summer Grilling with Casa M Spices

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Just in time for the holiday grilling weekend, spice up your meals with Casa M Spices. My favorite cooking to do in the summer time is grilling. Getting friends and family together, enjoying the nice weather and tasting those delicious grilled meats. Now you can spice up your meats with a variety of spices from Casa M Spices. Your friends and family will rave about your cooking for a long time! You can also use their spices in your favorite oven dishes. 

The flavor profiles of Casa M Spice blends for chicken, pork, beef, lamb, fish, and vegetables have been perfected over the course of two decades and are now available for consumers to share with family and friends at every meal. With a fraction of the salt in typical spice blends, Casa M lets home cooks spice confidently while controlling the amount of salt.

About Casa M Spice Company®:

Casa M Spice, the house of Manny and Mike, is a premium line of low sodium spice blends born from the desire to allow home chefs to spice confidently while controlling the level of salt. Available in a variety of blends for beef, chicken, pork, fish, lamb, and vegetables, Casa M Spices bring out the best in every meal. Casa M has received over 70 awards for their spice blends, and they are the proud Presenting Sponsor of the FC Soccer Club in Dallas. For more information, please visit

If you are looking for an easy way to get several of Casa M Spice Co®’s delicious spice blends at one great price, try the Mini Ranch Pack®. It comes equipped with three 10 ounce stainless steel shakers of Cattle Drive®, Free Range® and Whole Hog®, seasonings designed specifically for beef, chicken and pork. Trust us, you will go through these seasonings quickly as you try new flavors and enjoy with your family and friends. It also makes the perfect gift for your favorite chef or grill master.

Treat yourself and your friends and family by taking home a mini ranch with a Casa M Spice Co® Mini Ranch Pack®. 

Casa M Spices are available in major grocery stores throughout the Southern U.S, in many specialty retailers, and on Amazon in a variety of formats including a plastic shaker (1 cup, MSRP $11.99), a stainless steel shaker (1 cup, MSRP $16.99), a refill bag (1 cup, MSRP $9.99), and a bulk bag (1 pound, MSRP $22.99). 

Stay Socially Connected with Casa M Spices for all their latest flavor releases: 



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