
Keep Your Kids Minds Sharp During The Summer Months With Match Madness by Foxmind

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Keeping your kids entertained, and keeping their minds sharp during the summer can be a challenge so I am always looking for some new ideas to help them out with that summer slide. Match Madness keeps there brains active while having fun! 

Let the furious fun begin! Players sprint to arrange a set of 5 blocks so that they match a pattern shown on a card. First player to succeed grabs the card and a new matching race starts. Tensions rise as you scramble to outpace and outsmart your opponents in this ingenious game of perception. So fire-up your neurons and be transported by Match Madness!! Ages 7+

Learning is always easier when it’s fun; and brain games make learning these skills seem like nothing more than making memories.

About Foxmind: 

FoxMind manufactures and distributes toys and games that offer mind stimulating fun and help develop reasoning skills, spatial logic and other skills associated with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) as well as verbal expression, dexterity, and healthy social interaction. Naturally, some of our products develop some of these skills more than others, but all of them will tickle the human mind in more than one way.


Think fast to make the match! Shift your brain into high gear in this clever game of speed and perception. Players compete to recreate a pattern on a card with their set of 5 blocks. Simple, or is it?

Match Madness also targets reasoning skills, verbal expression, creativity and the ability to think strategically, while holding an exciting, competitive aspect to it that keeps the players wanting more. With numerous international awards already on its mantle, FoxMind is the favorite of many parents, teachers and people around the world.

Match Madness is available for purchase through Barnes and Noble, Amazon and where toys are sold. 

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “Keep Your Kids Minds Sharp During The Summer Months With Match Madness by Foxmind

  • This looks like a fun game. Great for learning.

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