
Enjoy Fresh, New Reads Delivered Monthly with Aardvark Book Club

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If you are anything like my family, you have a household of avid readers and enjoy a good book. A true sign of a good book is that it captivates the reader and they don’t want to put it down. While this is great, I wouldn’t always recommend this as it could be straining on the eyes and the mind.

To keep your library collection fresh, there is a new way to be part of a book club that gives you a diverse collection of reads to choose from…Aardvark Book Club.

What does membership entail?

Discover the best of new releases from the comfort of your couch. Sweatpants are welcome!

Step #1

New books drop

The 1st of every month we announce 5-6 of the hottest new releases!

Step #2

Fill your box

Make your monthly book selection in our app and fill your box with up to 3 books!

Step #3

Delivery at your door!

Your box is delivered straight to your doorstep. Pro tip: Cats really like sitting in our boxes.

Step #4

Read, read, read!

At home, on the subway, upside down, with a snack, on a plane, in the bath. This is the best excuse to cancel your Friday night plans.

Step #5

Share your thoughts

Participate in trending community discussions or start one of your own. How did you interpret the ending?

Aardvark Book Club makes it easy to choose what and how often you receive your monthly books. Your membership can be between 1-3 books and you can choose of frequently or not that you want to receive new books.

Are you ready to get started with a fun and unique love of reading? Join Aardvark Book Club Today and get ready to expand your love of reading and your home library by leaps and bounds.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

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