
Enjoy Wine Outdoors with Innovative Wine Veil

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Picture it…you are outdoors mixing and mingling with friends at a lovely event and enjoying a splendid glass of wine, when all of a sudden, “PLOP” and something falls into your wine glass. Let me tell you a stylish way you can avoid outside elements getting into your perfect potion of punch!

Wine Veil – Stop the unidentified flying objects from getting into your glass of wine, while entertaining outside! Designed by Kelly Egan who said “what the heck” I’m through putting plastic bags over my wine glass! Out of necessity comes innovation and so the whimsical and charming Wine Veil was born.The main function of the design is to protect open and poured wine from flying insects, leaves or dirt from ruining any “al fresco” wine gathering. The wine VEIL® is soft and simple as it is made from a 5″ x 5″ organza material in beautiful color swatches and is weighted with beautiful silver charms of dragonflies and grape leaves. The effect is a beautiful sheer drape or VEIL over your wine glass, decanter or bottle. They come in colors that are perfect for any season. They make a great stocking stuffer gift or Christmas gift. Wine Veils are available online or on Amazon. PRICE: $24.95 (Set of 4).


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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