
Enter to #Win a $25 Gift Card from HueTrition

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This information is brought to you by HueTrition. All opinions are my own. #HuePets #HueTrition #EatHues

Sometimes the biggest struggle is getting kids to eat foods that are good for them. Junk food causes dental and other health problems, so starting to introduce your child to healthy foods from an early age is important.

Do you know what foods are good to give your kids?

Did you know:

  • That Vitamin A in butternut squash can help heal sores in your mouth?
  • Dark leafy greens and broccoli have LOTS of calcium, which is great for our teeth.
  • Vitamin C from citrus fruits helps keep our gums healthy.
  • Replacing sugary, starchy snacks with healthy fruits and vegetables can lower tooth decay risk.

Would you like to know more about the foods you eat? Join the New HueTube Channel from HueTrition for more FUN and SIMPLE Health and Wellness Tips!

The Vision: To Make Nutrition Fun and Simple with Color! The philosophy is simple: Food as Fuel to Color Your World. Natural, colorful, filling half of your plate with fruits and vegetables solves a lot of problems! No need to sweat it! Think of your plate as a colorful canvas. HueTrition has created a list of HueApproved products, brands, restaurant dishes to help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

happy family mother and children are preparing healthy food, they make funny face with vegetables morsel in the kitchen

Incorporating healthy habits into your lifestyle can be an easy way to maintain your health and protect against illness. These habits can be as simple as staying hydrated throughout your day, ensuring you get enough rest at night to keep your concentration and memory skills sharp, and eating a healthy breakfast, so your body has enough energy to make it through the day.

Other choices may take a little more effort. Making time for regular check-ups with your doctor and substituting artificially sweetened snacks for fruits or nuts require more preparation, but they are beneficial in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Start small, make changes one at a time, and you will be on your way to a healthier you.

Besides videos, they have tons of resources to help you keep the best foods in your house for mealtime and snack time. Check out all the HueApproved foods on their blog or on Amazon – it’s so simple to purchase a few snack foods your kids will love that are also good for them!

Criteria for HueApproved:

  1. Real food
  2. As wholesome as possible
  3. Pronounceable ingredients, fewer the better
  4. Color-packed fuel to color your world

As a mom, I love the resources that are available on their HueTube Channel because it is full of fun and simple tips and information on nutrition, HueApproved products, holistic and preventative health.

Watch this video below to learn more about HueApproved foods!

Get the App:

The app is another great resource to help your kids eat better foods. HuePets is an app that you need to get. It’s really fun and helps your kids eat better foods. This is a super fun app that encourages kids to eat healthy foods as they feed their virtual pet. Open the app and take a picture of your meal. The more colors, the more food for your pet. It is dedicated to encouraging a balanced, active, plant-based, lifestyle that includes a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Download the HuePets app:

Giveaway Details:

  • Dates: June 18 – July 2, 2018
  • US Only
  • Prize – $25 Gift Card

Enter on the form below! Good Luck!

$25 Gift Card Giveaway from HueTrition

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

4 thoughts on “Enter to #Win a $25 Gift Card from HueTrition

  • Real food is one way.

  • As wholesome as possible!

  • One of the ways a product is HueApproved is if it is “As wholesome as possible”.

  • There is a lot of nice things here looking good

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