
Face Plant – The Planter with Personality

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Do you have kids that are going back to college and you want to send them with something unique, and fun that will brighten up their dorm room? These adorable Face Planters will definitely do the job!

The planters are unique back-to-college gifts for someone living in a small space who loves plants, design, fun, functionality (*and may lose track of their eyeglasses often!).

The Face Plant gives plants a personality, so you never feel awkward talking to your plants again! The planter combines the functionality of a minimal, high-design house planter with the functionality of a creative place to keep your glasses in plain sight, so you never lose them. To add more fun to the mix, the Face Plant can be personalized with facial expressions and messages using any dry erase marker. It is made of 100 percent ceramic and has drainage holes in the bottom for proper plant care.

About 30 Watt:

At 30 Watt, we ideate, design, and manufacture unconventional products and gifts that empower people to be clever. We tell stories and solve unique problems through form, high design and function. How’d we get started, you ask?

Our CEO, Ryan Walther, began his career as an early partner at the Onion during his college days in Wisconsin. He aided their rise to a household name, sowing his comical oats there for more 20 years. During that time, Ryan met Arik Nordby—the creative mastermind behind the Onion’s most popular product at the time: a prank gift box now affectionately known as the Prank Pack, and sold by Prank-O. (Now a child company of 30 Watt, Prank-O was featured on Shark Tank in December 2018 when Ryan and Arik pitched Prank-O to the Sharks.)

Ever wish houseplants looked more like people? Us too. Made of ceramic, equipped with a drainage hole and built-in nose and ears, the Face Plant is a wonderfully quirky spot to rest your frames and ensure you never lose your eyeglasses again. Does not include plant, eyeglasses, or markers. 


You can purchase this great Face Plant gift on Amazon, Target or 30 Watt’s Website

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

2 thoughts on “Face Plant – The Planter with Personality

  • LOL that is so cute! I would love one myself!

  • So cute. This is a great idea.

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