
Freemie Liberty Hands Free Breast Pump For Nursing Mothers

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Turning into a mother can be a huge step to a lot of women giving birth to their first children. There are numerous responsibilities such as having to monitor and clean up after your child and breastfeeding your child consistently.

First-time mothers can now get the help that they need and ease into their motherhood by using Freemie, a mobile breast pump to breastfeed their children.

More About Freemie

Dr. Stella Dao was inspired to invent the Freemie® system as she prepared to go back to work after the birth of her preemie twins. A Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians, Dr. Dao was struggling with the need to return to work with the need to breastfeed her vulnerable twins when she came up with the idea of collecting breast milk with your shirt on, and your hands free. As a doctor, she knew it had to be safe and reliable. And as a working mother, she knew it had to be affordable so that every mom who needed her solution would have access to it.

Freemie is a revolutionary collection system that allows mothers to collect breast milk in a hands-free and concealable way. The pump gives women freedom to pump anywhere, anytime for as often as they need – with a system that adds an extra layer of convenience and comfort.Each Freemie® Collection Cup has a funnel and valve integrated into the cup assembly that connect to a traditional breast pump that feel and work like regular breast pump equipment when placed over the breasts. Milk collects in cups that surround the funnels instead of falling down and hanging in bottles below the funnels.

Freemie® cups, used right underneath regular clothing, are intuitive and more comfortable than any other hands-free pumping system. With a bra as support, the weight of the collecting milk is hardly noticeable because the cups are super lightweight, and their shape naturally supported by the bra structure. And you don’t have to buy a whole new pump to use Freemie® if you already have one, since they are already compatible with many pumps!

Are you an expectant mother or know someone who is? Freemie would make the perfect shower gift for someone who is expecting soon. You can purchase them on Amazon.

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