
Get Your Own Red Carpet Look In 5 Easy Steps

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Events like the Academy Awards of the GRAMMYs have become more than just award shows. Aside from the lucky winners of the night, what most viewers are looking forward to is the parade of glamorous dresses and fine-material crafted suits exhibited by the starlets on the red carpet. Oh, just how many of us wished we could experience something like this?

“Red carpet looks” have become a fashion statement of their own, given that they’re specifically designed to draw attention to the wearer and dazzle all the people who lay their eyes on them. So, when you really think about it, you don’t actually need to attend an award ceremony in order to get the same effect. What do you need to do? Here’s a short and easy guide to achieving this sparkling look that will make you shine at any event.

beautiful faces

STEP 1: Skin Care

Skin is like the foundation canvas for a beautiful painting. If there are smudges and stains, the paint won’t stick and the end result will be a mess. First take care of your face, by using personal care face products that are specifically designed to remove blemishes, skin roughness, uneven tones, or any other imperfections.

Your face isn’t the only part that needs attention, so don’t forget about your arms and legs, especially if you’re going to show them off in all their glorious bareness. The trick to a healthy-looking skin is moisturizing, so frequent care and proper hydration for a few days leading up to the event you’re attending are going to literally make you glow. Try sprinkling some shimmer powder or mix a bit of foundation into your body cream for an extra effect. 2_lipstickSource

STEP 2: Make-Up

What do we do with the make-up? Remember – keep using celebrity red carpet looks as a reference. If they don’t go overboard with the eyeliner or lipstick, then neither should you. The difference can often be made by the quality of the products you’re going for. The more difficult they are to smudge, the more they’ll last, and the more glamorous your look will be.

Although subtle make-up is definitely the right choice, you can mix it in with a pinch of boldness that will give off the maximum effect. Neutral and natural eye make-up goes really well with a red apple tinted balm or a coral shade. On the opposing side, eye make-up that stands out only needs a nude lip gloss to complete the look. 

You can also visit  Paris Lash Academy and pick your ideal eyelash that will help you stand out in the red carpet.


STEP 3: The Dress

The dress should be the main focus of your appearance, the one to stand out the most. Designers recommend always having a cocktail dress readied in your wardrobe in case of an event. There are very few instances in which a choice like this can go wrong.

A little black dress or one that’s keeping up with the latest trends, this year’s pastels or daisy patterns for example, will go hand-in-hand with the other red carpet specific elements. Unless it’s a wedding, in which case you can go wild. 4_pearlsSource

STEP 4: Into the Pearls

Some of the biggest celebrity outfit flops are a result of terrible jewelry choices. If you want to avoid any possible fashion repercussions, go with an alternative that will ensure the necessary glamor along with the safety of a right choice. A bold bead of black pearls will make you look stunning and they will make anyone around you feel the sudden need to whip out their photo cameras and snap a photo. 5_high heelsSource

STEP 5: The Right Shoes

Undoubtedly, this is the best place for stilettos and bold pumps to shine. Given the fact that the main two stars of the event are supposed to be the dress and, in this case, the pearls, shoes need to take the backseat as far as extravagance is concerned. The sheer height of a heel or the right color is impressive enough.

Don’t be afraid to bring your stilettos out of the closet, especially if your apparel choice involves a dress that reeks of delicacy rather than flashy sexiness. The shoe – dress contrast is what can bring to the table both of the sides.

If you follow these steps, you’ll definitely have the look. Want to reproduce the feel, too? Ask your friends to gather up and start snapping pictures!

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