
Give Whole Body Health with GuruNanda Essential Oils

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As a working mother, it is sometimes hard to find “me time” around the house. One thing I have to assure is taking care of myself so that I can take care of my family. This includes the relaxing scent of essential oils around the home.  The perfect size diffuser and oils for me is with Gurunanda.

About GuruNanda

GuruNanda, also known as Puneet Nanda, is a successful entrepreneur-turned-yogi. His business accomplishments, including the successful oral care brand, Dr. Fresh, earned him 2011’s Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award and an active position with the Young Presidents Organization (YPO). However, 16-hour workdays filled with stress, poor eating habits and lack of exercise took a dire toll on his life and his health. After an emergency trip to the hospital with chest pains during what turned out to be a severe anxiety attack, he rediscovered the yoga he loved as a child growing up in India.

GuruNanda Rosegold Oil DiffuserImagine sitting in your favorite chair, reading your favorite book or magazine and relaxing to the calming aroma of lavender as it gently mists through the air of a stylish diffuser.

Find a beautiful diffuser and pair it with your favorite oils from Gurunanda, and enjoy the healthy, aromatic benefits they provide throughout your home.

Gurunanda has several styles of diffusers, as well as, dozens of essential oil options available. My personal favorites include lavender and peppermint. They are perfect to put you in a relaxed, yet festive holiday spirit. Add Gurunanda to your holiday wish list this Christmas season.

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