Go Girl Designs Busy Girl Bangle Bracelets Perfect for Every Gal #MegaChristmas18
My daughter is a typical 20-something college student that is busy and on-the-go. She works part time, goes to school full time and also tries to manage a home and social life in between. She is up in the morning, heading to the gym for an early morning workout, then after freshening up, heading off to work for a full day, then coming home at night, grabbing dinner and doing homework. So how do you stay fashionable, yet functional? For busy girls like Hannah, the perfect solution comes in the form of a stylish bangle bracelet from Go Girl Designs.
More About Go Girl Designs
Hair ties. For most women, they’re a blessing and a curse. Wrapped around your wrist, buried beneath couch cushions, floating around your purse—they pop up everywhere when you don’t need them, but vanish when you do. Growing up, I did gymnastics and didn’t go anywhere without a hair tie or two on my wrist. And between the indentations on my wrist and numbness in my thumbs, they became a literal pain. After playing around with the idea of a wearable fix that was both practical and attractive, I brought the idea for Go Girl Designs to my mom in 2014. She’s a successful entrepreneur that’s been in business for a long time, so I knew she’d be a great partner. She loved the idea, so we started the journey to where we are now.
It was really that first holiday season when mom and I knew we’d hit something. We had orders rolling in and customers saying all the time that they couldn’t wait to show the bracelet to their friends. To me, being a Busy Girl means you’re getting up, going to work or class, hitting the gym, heading out to dinner, then doing it all again. We’re Busy Girls ourselves, so it’s important for us to design a bracelet that resonates with women on the go. As a mom and daughter team, we bring our passion to work every single day. We’re so excited to share our dream with you. We hope you enjoy!
Finding new and useful hacks can make things easier like Go Girl Designs bracelets. The stylish bangle bracelets conveniently hold a hair tie for those times you need to quickly put your hair up to deal with a mess or at the end of a long day. The bracelets can also help new mothers remember what side they last breast fed from by slipping it on that side’s wrist.
Hannah was excited when I showed her pictures of Busy Girl Bangles and couldn’t wait for them to arrive. My house has packages arriving frequently for reviews on the blog, but let me tell you this was the one item she would ask about day in and day out until it arrived. She was smitten from day one and has found a way to accessorize and wear one each work day. She says it is the greatest invention any gal could ask for. I told her that I loved that it was designed for girls, by girls and that you can never have enough amazing female entrepreneurs.
I can only describe Go Girl Designs Busy Girl Bracelets as simplistic genius. They offer so may styles, colors and make the MUST HAVE fashion piece to any ladies’ collection of jewelry. This would make a great gift for anyone at Christmas. Put them in the stocking, give as a teacher gift or even start a collection for yourself. You can find Go Girls Designs Bangle Bracelets online and on Amazon.
We have added Go Girl Designs to our Holiday Gift Guide – check it out here!